Ecommerce Transactions

Ecommerce Transactions provides a back office transactional view/reporting of all the purchases made in the Online Store. You can run a search based on filters such as revenue items, Item Type, and Order Date to look for a specific transaction, view invoices of transactions and export results to an excel file. To look for eCommerce transactions go to Revenue >> Ecommerce Transactions.



  • To run a search based on Revenue Items, start typing the name of the revenue item into the box. A list of revenue items will appear and you can select one or more revenue items. 
  • Add additional filters by using Item Type dropdown list which would include a list of all Item Type codes
  • Use the Order Date Start and End dates to look for transactions that have taken place during a certain date range. The Order Date used is the date on which the eCommerce Item was purchased on the Online Store.
  • To include transactions that have been marked as sent on the search, use the Show sent items checkbox. By default, the transactions search will not include sent items

The grid shows Order Date, Item Name, Amount (for which the item was purchased), Invoice number, Revenue item, Sent by, Sent Date.

  • You can select one or more transactions by checking the box on the first column and use the Act on Selected Transactions to Mark them as sent and View Select Invoices.


    • Using the Mark selected as sent would update that transaction as sent. It will also update the Sent by column for the transaction with the username of the profile marking it.
    • View selected invoices will open the invoices for the transactions selected. You can also click on the Invoice # for a specific transaction to view the invoice.
    • The Sent Date column signifies the date this item was marked as sent. You can also edit the date if the item was sent on a separate date to when it was marked as sent. 
    • You can use the Actions button on each transaction to View that Invoice or Mark a certain item as sent
    • Use the Exports All Results button to export the results of the search into an excel file




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