Ecommerce FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Can we add tax to the eCommerce Item?
A. The tax for the eCommerce Item is setup on the revenue item that the item is linked to. If the revenue item being used on the eCommerce Item is setup as Taxable, then the price calculation for the item will include tax and display it on the Payment page (Online Store). 

Q. Can the Shipping cost be setup based on Shipping Address?
A. No. You can only setup a Fixed cost and/or Shipping cost per item.


Q. Will adding affiliation codes to profiles through eCommerce Purchase, automatically permission LMS content restricted by that Affiliation Code?

A. Yes. If an Affiliation code is setup on the eCommerce Item to add to the profile making the purchase, that Affiliation Code is added to the Profile. The profile can then access any content on the LMS that's restricted to that Affiliation code (see Ecommerce Item Setup)

Q. When I upload a new image on the browser, the image that was pulled in from the desktop eCommerce Item disappears and have to re-upload it on the browser again. Why is that?

A. The images upload on the browser is an improved version as it stores your images on the cloud and not on the Web Content Folder. This improvement also allows you to upload as many images as you want to the eCommerce item.

The Large Image URL from the desktop eCommerce Item is automatically pulled onto the browser and setup as the Primary Image. When you upload a new image on the browser, it replaces the Large Image URL wiping out the old one and saving it on the cloud, because of which you will have to re-upload the image on the browser.

Q. Why does the header image on my Online Store repeat itself horizontally? 

A. The recommended width of the header image on the online Store is 1300px wide. If the image is smaller than the recommended width, the image repeats itself instead of stretching it, which would cause distortion. 

Q. How does the Global Shipping & Handling Cost work on the online store?

A. You can use Global Shipping & Handling formula to calculate the shipping cost on the Online store by the use of a SQL formula. If the Shipping & Handling Formula is setup on eCommerce Store Settings and a Shipping cost is setup on the item, the store calculates both and adds the cost to the purchase. 




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