Ecommerce Store Settings

These settings will change the look and feel of your Online Store.

  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Global Settings.
  2. Click on the Web Preferences tab and then Ecommerce Store Settings.

  1. After making changes to the settings described below, click Save (at the top).

Ecommerce Store Title: This title will appear in the header of the Online Store.

Ecommerce Store Subtitle: This subtitle will appear underneath the title.

Ecommerce Store Introductory Text: This You can also add additional text using the HTML editor which would be displayed under the Header Image. This could be text about promotions or any general information. 

Header Image or Header Color: Choose a header image or color to appear behind the title and subtitle.

The header color can be selected or entered as a hex code.

When selecting, if you wanted green, for example, you would click here:

Then you would click somewhere in here to choose the degree of green:

The other option is to do a web search for, as an example, "hex code light green" and then copy and paste that here:

Whether you select it or enter the hex code, click outside of the window to close it.

Show Login Button: If enabled, the Login button will show throughout the store for any unauthenticated users. If clicked, it will send the user to the login screen.

Login Button Text: This is the Login button label.


Profile Creation: You can now create a new profile from a purchase on the Online Store.

  • Create a new Profile: If selected, the system will create a profile using the information entered during payment. The invoice generated from the purchase will be linked to the new profile and an extra first and last name field will be collected to create this profile.. 
  • Link the existing purchase to an anonymous profile: If selected, the purchase and invoice will be linked to the anonymous profile in your database. The first/last name fields will not be displayed. 

Shipping and Handling:

You can also add a Global Shipping and Handling cost by the use of a SQL formula. This will add a Shipping and Handling cost to the Purchase on the Online Store. You can use this to add an additional cost to the purchase which is separate from the Item Shipping cost or just on its own.

  • To activate this, place a check next to Enable Global S/H formula.
  • Choose a revenue item from the drop down to link to the Shipping and Handling.
  • Enter a SQL formula that would execute the cost for the purchase (see example below).

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