Creating a Payment

Payments must be applied to an existing invoice. If the invoice does not yet exist, follow these instructions to create the invoice, and then apply the payment to the invoice you've created. 

You can apply a payment from a Profile Transactions screen, or from within the specific invoice itself. Note that if you are applying a single payment to multiple invoices, you'll want to start from the Profile Transactions screen for that specific profile, so that you can select all of the invoices to pay at the same time. 

From Profile Transactions, click Apply Payment:


From within a single invoice (click here for more information on finding invoices), click Payment on the left and then click the Add a Payment button:



Once you've loaded the new Payment form, you'll need to choose the payment details. As you fill in the payment information, you'll see the amounts applied at the bottom of the payment window to the corresponding line items you've chosen to pay:


  • Payment Type: select the payment type you want to use for this transaction. Your Payment Types are defined by your system administrator in your Admin Codes. 
    • If you choose a Payment Type associated with a Credit Card Gateway, you'll be prompted to enter the credit card number and other values at the bottom of the form. When you save the payment, the card will be charged. If the card is declined, you'll receive a message in the payment window and the payment will not save until a successful charge is made, or you change the Payment Type.
  • Enter the full Amount of the payment, for all line items. 
    • Under the payment form, the amount will be split between all open line items (in the example above, $50 was designated to one line item and $2 to the other). If you need to change this distribution, you can type in the boxes to change the Amount to Apply.
  • Payment Source: if necessary, enter the method by which the payment was submitted
  • The Payment Date/Apply Date default to the current day. They can be changed if necessary, but we recommend keeping these two dates the same for ease of reconciling transactions.
  • Enter the Check Number and/or other Reference Number if necessary.
  • Send automated receipt on save: if you check this box, the billing contact for the profile will receive a copy of your organization's automated receipt email with the invoice and payment details. If you do not check this box, no receipt will be sent (you can choose to send one later).

Click Save, either on the payment window or the invoice to which you are applying the payment. 


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