Credit Card Activity

In addition to your credit card transaction reports and payment reports, you can view all attempted credit card transactions made through any of your gateways under Revenue > Credit Card Activity. 


The start date defaults to the current day, you can change the start date and set an end date if you're looking for a specific date range. Choose your gateway from the dropdown, then click Run This Search.


All transactions attempted for that gateway during the selected date range will be shown. If a transaction was successful and has not been refunded or voided after the initial success, you'll see a green check box. If the transaction attempt was not successful, you'll see a red alert icon. If the initial transaction was later refunded or voided, you'll see the word "Refunded" or "Voided," which tells you that the transaction was successfully charged but then later voided or refunded in a separate, reversing transaction. 

If you need to see further details about the gateway response or the cardholder details for the transactions, click Details.


The Transaction result listed is the exact response that we received from your integrated gateway when we sent the credit card data through to be charged. You'll also see the last four digits of the card number, expiration date, and cardholder information entered when the card was charged. 

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