In the Admin section of your database, you have the ability to configure system default settings that determine what email address notifications go to or come from, default text, set up integrations, and more. You can find many of these settings under Admin > Global Settings.
In the Global Settings page, you'll find all of your settings organized on the left menu by sections. See below for a summary of each section:
HTML Templates
You can create any number of templates to control the look of communications and event descriptions. There are three different responsive newsletter email templates pre-loaded into your MC Trade database, with three different layouts. You can edit those existing templates or copy and paste them to create new templates..
- Existing templates, including our standard/sample email templates, are displayed in the grid. You can click Actions to either view/edit or delete any existing templates.
- To add a new template, click Add an HTML Template. Give the template a title and if you would like to limit the template to only one specific user, select them from the Assigned To dropdown (leave this blank to make the template accessible to all users)
- Use the simple HTML Editor to design your template, or, if you have code from a third party designer, click the "<>Source" button in the editor. Paste in your code, then click Source again to see the preview mode.
- To copy an existing template, click Actions > Edit. Click into the HTML editor, and then hit Ctrl-A on your keyboard. The full code of the template will be selected. Hit Cancel. Click Add an HTML Template, and then paste in the html of the template that you copied, entering a new name for the template.
- Click Save to save your changes. The template will be available to use in any email sent out of the system.
MC Trade has a number of different integrations built in to the application directly, and some are set up in other areas of the system depending on third party requirements. In Global Settings you can set up the integrations for your Credit Card Gateway(s), email provider, and VoterVoice.
MC Trade currently integrates with MailChimp and Informz.
Click here to learn more about setting up your Credit Card gateway(s).
This section contains several settings for how you want the system to handle online payments made through your website.
- Profile ID for anonymous online purchases: this is the profile to which invoices will be assigned when event registrations or eCommerce purchases come in through your website from anonymous, unauthenticated users. This value cannot be blank.
- Online payment's payment type: this is the default payment type used in any online payment in which there is not another payment type specified - for example, you can override this payment type on a specific event item, or by setting different default payment types on each Accounting Package. Note that this value also determines the corresponding credit card gateway to use.
- Enable automatic receipts: this indicates the default "from" email and name, as well as the text displayed above the invoice summary and payment receipt for payments made in your Online Bill Pay page. This same receipt is also used when manually processing payments in MC Trade, if you choose the "Send Receipt" option when saving.
- Enable Credit Card Fees in Member Portal: when checked, you will be able to choose a percentage and a revenue item to use to add a line item to any invoices paid through the member portal that adds a fee based on the invoice/payment total. The user will see the proposed new total, and when paid, the invoice will have a new line item created for the free using the revenue item/text you've indicated here. Payments made via ACH through the portal will not incur this fee.
- Require Authentication to View Printable Invoices: when checked, the dynamic links that you can generate and send to members for Online Bill Pay and the Printable Invoice link in the email tool will NOT be viewable online unless the user is logged in. The user will be prompted to enter a username and password, and then they will only be able to see the Online Bill Pay page if they are logged in as a profile that has access to the invoice(s) from the link. If this box is not checked, the links that you can generate and send will not require any authentication. The links are not available publicly and should not be indexed by Google, however anyone who has the link can view the invoice(s) even if they are not logged in. If your organization is subject to GDPR or similar data privacy regulations, you should consider enabling this feature to reduce the likelihood of Personal Identifiable Information exposure unless members have explicitly opted in to unauthenticated invoice access.
Accounting Packages: This section allows you to add an accounting package for QuickBooks, QuickBooks Online, Microsoft Dynamics GP, or Intacct.
If you add QuickBooks Online then you can post to QuickBooks in the browser, but anything else requires Desktop Connect.
Web Preferences
- Misc Settings: These are miscellaneous settings for certain web components.
- Branding Settings: These settings will change the branding for all of your web components.
- Member Portal Settings: These settings will change the look and feel of your Member Portal.
- Ecommerce Store Settings: These settings will change the look and feel of your Online Store.
- Directory Settings: These settings will change the look and feel of your directory.
- Calendar Settings: These settings will change the look and feel of your Event Calendar.
Email Address for Notifications
This section allows you to indicate which user/email should receive different notifications based on actions completed by members and website users throughout your system.
For multiple email addresses, separate each address with a semicolon (no spaces).
- Receive Unsubscribe Notification: receives the notification when a user clicks the "Unsubscribe" link from any email, with the email/profile that clicked the link.
- Member Portal Update Notification: receives a copy of the Profile Update Form submissions made through the member portal
- Online Bill Pay Notification: receives a copy of the confirmation when a payment is made via Online Bill Pay in the member portal
- Community Calendar Submission Notification: receives notification that someone has submitted a Community Calendar event for approval
- Benefit Renewal Notification: receives the confirmation email that the system has auto-renewed any benefits flagged to renew each night