This report shows a list of member names that joined within a specified date range, grouped by membership level, and sorted by the member since date (join date).
It can show members across all membership levels or specific membership levels and can also include members without a membership level.
At the end of the report is an optional chart that shows a line graph reflecting the number of new member profiles during specific periods.
Running the Report
- Click on the Reports menu and Run a Report.
- Click to expand the Member Reports.
- Click on New Members.
This will open a window where you define parameters for the report.
After you click OK to run the report, you can refresh the report page at any time to go back to the parameters window, and make changes.
At the top of the report, be sure to look at the paging controls (see screenshot below). If the button on the right (next page) is available then there is more data.
After you define these parameters, scroll to the bottom, and click OK to go into the report.
Start of Date Range and End of Date Range: This is required and determines what period of time should be reflected in the report. Payments will appear if the payment date falls within this date range.
Select a Membership Level: This is required and allows you to select specific membership levels from the list on the left (Available Values) and add them to the list on the right (Selected Values).
Click on a membership level and then click the right arrow to add it to the list of Selected Values.
If you click the double arrows then you are adding everything.
Other options:
- To remove a profile from the list on the right, select it, and click Remove.
- To remove everything from the list on the right, click Remove All.
In the example above, if you wanted to quickly select Basic Membership and Gold Member, hold the Ctrl key, click each item, and then click the right arrow to add both of them.
Would you like to include members that are not assigned a Membership Level? This is required and, if set to Yes, the first group in the report will list new members that do not have a membership level. If set to No then the report will only list new members that have a membership level.
Show Chart Y/N? This is required and, if set to Yes, a line chart will appear at the end of the report to provide a visual representation of this data. If set to No then the chart will not appear.
Breakdown of Report
The report is broken up into sections and each section represents a different membership level.
Each section includes the Member Name and Member Since date (this date is the primary sort key).
This will only show the new member's current membership level. If this is a returning member, it will NOT include the member's previous level.
In the parameters, if the option was enabled to include members that are not assigned a membership level, a line chart will appear at the end of the report with an x-axis showing for each month within the date range, and a y-axis showing the number of new profiles.
There will be points plotted between dates (in the example above, there are five points between 1/17/2024 and 2/17/2024. The key on the right will provide a specific date for each point.
In the top left corner is a button to print which allows you to export this report to PDF.
Once exported to PDF, you can view and print the PDF.
Also in the top left corner is a button to export to other formats.
The other available formats include:
- Crystal Reports (RPT)
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Rich Text Format
- Character Separated Values (CSV)