Aging by Revenue Item as of Specified Date Report


This report shows all selected revenue items and, underneath each revenue item, a breakdown of profiles that have unpaid invoices with that revenue item. Each invoice amount will either appear in the "Not Yet Due" column or one of the past due columns: 0-30 (days), 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, or 120+. It also includes main contact information. 

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Running the Report

  1. Click on the Reports menu and Run a Report.
  2. Click to expand the Revenue Reports.

  1. Click to expand Accounts Receivable Reports.
  2. Click on Aging By Revenue Item as of Specified Date.

This will open a window where you define parameters for the report.

After you click OK to run the report, you can refresh the report page at any time to go back to the parameters window, and make changes.

At the top of the report, be sure to look at the paging controls (see screenshot below). If the button on the right (next page) is available then there is more data.

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After you define these parameters, scroll to the bottom, and click OK to go into the report.

Select As Of Date: Choose the latest Apply Date. For example, if you choose July 1, 2024, it will show unpaid invoices that have an Apply Date through July 1, 2024.

Enter Revenue Items: In the example below, if you click Start of Range and choose "ABC Dues," and then click End of Range and choose "Admin Fee," you would need to click Add Range to create the range. The report would then include any payments for ABC Dues, ABC National Dues, and Admin Fee.

  • Include this value: This option is available for the Start of Range and End of Range. If checked, the start/end will be included in the range.
  • No lower value: If checked, this will remove the Start of Range, and add everything from the beginning of the list until the End of Range.

Available Values: Instead of choosing a range at the top, you can select specific revenue items under the left (Available Values) and add them to the right side (Selected Values).

Click on a revenue item and then click the right arrow to add it to the list of Selected Values.

If you click the double arrows then you are adding everything.

Other options:

  • To remove a profile from the list on the right, select it, and click Remove.
  • To remove everything from the list on the right, click Remove All.

In the example above, if you wanted to quickly select, ABC Dues and Alpha Centauri Dues, hold the Ctrl key, click each item, and then click the right arrow to add both of them.

To recap, the top and middle sections of the parameters window allow you to select revenue items, but in different ways. You either select a consecutive list of revenue items using the top section of the parameters window or you jump around the list and manually select revenue items using the middle section of the parameters window.

Select Invoices to Include: Choose between "Past Due Only" and "Include Invoices Not Yet Due."

Date to Use for Aging: Choose between "As Of Date" and "Today's Date" for calculating the age of an invoice. For example, if you choose July 10, 2024, it will calculate the age as it was July 10, 2024.

Accounting Package Name Contains: This allows you to include data for a specific accounting package based on the Revenue Item(s) used on the invoice. In your Global Settings (Admin menu), under the Accounting Packages tab, you will see the Accounting Package Name. If you want to focus on data for that package, enter that name in the parameters window.

Otherwise leave this as All to show all data.

Select Format: This allows you to render the report in the standard Print View for printing or exporting or in a special Export View that is optimized for exporting.

The Export View is NOT readable from the browser, but readable in Excel.

  • The Print View, which is the standard view for all reports, renders the data in a readable format from the browser. It includes Print and Export options in the top left corner.
  • The Export View also includes Print and Export options in the top left corner, but this view is specifically meant to be used with the Export option > Excel formats.

For Export View, choose "Microsoft Excel (1997-2003) Data-Only" as the File Format.

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Breakdown of Report

Each section of the report contains a selected revenue item and sub-sections for each profile (member or non-member) that has unpaid invoices with that revenue item. Each sub-section includes:

  • Profile ID
  • An unpaid invoice
    • Invoice Date
    • Invoice Number
    • Invoice amount

The amount will either appear in the Not Yet Due column or in one of the past due columns: 0-30, 31-60 61-90, 91-120, or 120+.

    • Invoice total due
  • Main Contact Name
  • Main Contact Address
  • Main Contact Phone Number
  • Main Contact Fax Number
  • Main Contact Email Address
  • Primary Listing category
  • Member Since date

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If you chose the Export View (Parameters) then do NOT use this option because it will print an unreadable report. Instead use the Export option which is detailed below.

In the top left corner is a button to print which allows you to export this report to PDF.

Once exported to PDF, you can view and print the PDF.

Also in the top left corner is a button to export to other formats.

The other available formats include:

  • Crystal Reports (RPT)
  • PDF
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Rich Text Format
  • Character Separated Values (CSV)
  • XML

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