This report offers a breakdown of outstanding balances. On the first page, there is a bar graph that shows the overall outstanding balance (y-axis) for each age range (x-axis).
On the following page, there is a list on the left of the top 25 outstanding balances per profile (from greatest to least) and a list on the right of outstanding balances per revenue item.
Running the Report
- Click on the Reports menu and Run a Report.
- Click to expand the Revenue Reports.
- Click to expand Accounts Receivable Reports.
- Click on Aging Overview.
There are not any parameters for this report.
At the top of the report, be sure to look at the paging controls (see screenshot below). If the button on the right (next page) is available then there is more data.
Breakdown of Report
On the first page, there is a bar graph that shows the outstanding balance (y-axis) for each age range (x-axis): 0-30 (days). Age range includes: Current (30 days or less), 31-60 (days), 61-90, 91-120, and 120+.
Below the bar graph is a table that shows the specific amount for each age.
In the example above, all outstanding invoices that are 31-60 days past due add up to an overall balance of $702,288.00. According to the key, the orange bar represents 31-60, so it is reaching 700k.
On the following page, there is a list on the left, and another list on the right:
- The list on the left is profile-focused. It is a list of the largest open invoices.
- It is in order of largest amount to smallest amount (smallest amount out of the top 25).
- It includes the ranking number (1, 2, 3, etc.), profile name, amount due, and age (days past).
- At the bottom of this list is an overall total of all 25 outstanding balances.
If a profile has more than one open invoice then each open invoice will appear on their own line only if the invoice amount is in the top 25.
- The list on the right is revenue item-focused. It is a list of all revenue items with open invoices.
- It is in order of largest amount to smallest amount (smallest amount out of the top 25).
- It includes the revenue item name and total amount due.
- At the bottom of this list is an overall total of all revenue items with open balances.
In the top left corner is a button to print which allows you to export this report to PDF.
Once exported to PDF, you can view and print the PDF.
Also in the top left corner is a button to export to other formats.
The other available formats include:
- Crystal Reports (RPT)
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Rich Text Format
- Character Separated Values (CSV)
PDF and Microsoft Excel (97-2003) are common formats.