Viewing Analytics for All Emails

This article is part of a series. At the bottom is a link to the next article. If you want to start with an overview then click here to go to the beginning of the series.

To view the analytics for all sent messages, click on the Communication menu, and Message Admin.

Message-wide analytics are found under the Analytics tab.

From this tab, you can see along the top:

  • Emails Sent: The total number of emails sent for all messages the selected date range
  • Emails Opened: The count of emails sent in the selected date range where tracking indicated the email as "read" at least one time
  • Clicks: The sum of the total clicks made to all links (including multiple clicks on the same email) for the selected date range
  • Undeliverables: The number of emails that failed to send for the selected date range 

If you scroll down, you will see:

  • Top 5 Members by Email Engagement: Members that have the most email opens and clicks. This is calculated by combining the total "read" count for all emails sent to member profiles, as well as profiles with a primary relationship to the member, as well as the sum of all clicks for the member profile and related profiles.
  • Top 5 Most Clicked Email Links: The most clicked links in all messages sent in the selected date range, including the number of clicks. If the same URL was sent in multiple messages, clicks are combined across all messages for the date range.
  • Undeliverable Emails: A breakdown of the undeliverable emails including an option to export that list to Microsoft Excel. These are all email addresses that had at least one "Email Failed" response in the selected date range, with the count of failed attempts for that email.

Next in series: Viewing Message-Specific Analytics

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