Table of Contents
The Registration tab of an event gives you a breakdown of the registrations in either a card view or grid view. Either view allows you to review basic registration information at a glance.
- Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
- Find the event and click on its name to edit it.
- Click on the Registrations tab.
Above the grid/card view (right side) is a View panel with two buttons.
The first button toggles the card view and the second button toggles the grid view.
Grid View
The grid includes (in this order) the:
- Date of the registration
- Profile (if linked)
If the registrant is not linked to a profile, you may click on the words "No Profile" to quickly link a profile or create and link a profile to this registration.
- Registrant's organization
- Registrant's first name and last name
- Registrant's email address
- Number of attendees
If you hover over this number, the list of attendees will appear.
If you click on this number, a window will open to edit the attendee information.
- Chosen event items and quantity
- Total cost
- Total amount due
Each registration has a ... button which opens a menu with options to edit the registration, print it, or delete it. It also has options to edit or view the related invoice.
Card View
The card view includes (in this order) the:
- Registrant's organization
- Profile (if linked) in parenthesis
- Date of the registration
- Registrant's email address
- Chosen event items and quantity
- Total cost
- Total amount due
- The attendees and profile (if linked)
Click the arrow to expand/collapse the list of attendees.
Each card also has options at the bottom to edit the registration, view or edit the invoice, and a ... button which opens a menu with options to delete the registration or print it.
Searching for a Registration
Basic Search
At the top is a field to search by organization name, registrant's first name, last name, or email address.
Click the magnifying glass to initiate the search.
This will apply a filter to the grid or card view. You may clear the filter at any time by clicking on the x button next to the search field.
Advanced Search
Click on the arrow next to Advanced Search to expand/collapse it.
This allows you to search for registrations that meet one or more of the following parameters:
- Sign Up Date Between: If you uncheck "Any Date Range" and set a date range, it will search for registrations that signed up within the entered range.
- Show All Unpaid: If you check this, it will search for registrations that have unpaid invoices.
- Show All With Blank Attendees: If you check this, it will search for registrations that have unnamed attendees.
- Show All With No Profile Id Assigned: If you check this, it will search for registrations that are not linked to a profile.
- Invoice Number: If you enter an invoice number, it will search for the registration that is related to the entered invoice.
- Event Items: If you check an event item, it will search for registrations that include that event item.
Managing Registrations
Editing a Registration
- Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
- Find the event and click on its name to edit it.
- Click on the Registrations tab.
- Find the registration and (grid) click on the pencil button or (card) the Edit button.
- After making the desired changes, click Save.
For more information, refer to these related articles:
- Manage Pending Registrations
- Editing a Registration
- Edit Registration to a Member price (or Non-Member Price)
- Deleting / Cancelling an Event Registration
- Create a new Profile from a Registration or Attendee
- Change the quantity of Event Items purchased or add/remove an additional Event Item
- Editing a Registration: Invoice Modification FAQs
Linking to a Profile
In the grid view, if the registrant is not linked to a profile, you may click on the words "No Profile" to open a "Link or Create Profile" window and see a list of possible matches. This quick link allows you to link or create and link a profile to the registration (not to the attendees).
You may still link attendees by editing the registration (click on the number in the Attendees column).
When creating and linking a profile, it will use the organization's name or the individual's first and last name, and the resulting invoice will be moved to that profile.
If you find a match, click Assign Profile. Otherwise, click Create New Profile.
If the profile is a member and the registration has an event item with member pricing then it will indicate this and ask if you want to edit the registration.
Printing a Registration
- Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
- Find the event and click on its name to edit it.
- Click on the Registrations tab.
- Find the registration, click on the ... button, and choose Print.
Deleting a Registration
- Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
- Find the event and click on its name to edit it.
- Click on the Registrations tab.
- Find the registration, click on the ... button, and choose Delete.
- Place a check next to Yes to confirm and choose an invoice adjustment type or check the option: Do not modify invoice and payment records.
- Click Yes, Delete This Registration And All Associated Attendees.
Managing Related Invoices
Viewing an Invoice
- Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
- Find the event and click on its name to edit it.
- Click on the Registrations tab.
- Find the registration and (grid) click ... and View, or (card) click on the View Invoice button.
Editing an Invoice
- Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
- Find the event and click on its name to edit it.
- Click on the Registrations tab.
- Find the registration and (grid) click ... and Edit (under Invoice), or (card) click on the Edit Invoice button.
- After making the desired changes, click Save.
Other Actions
The Select Action drop down list is outside and below the Advanced Search. Available to both the grid view and card view, this list contains several options.
You do not need to select anything in the grid or card views because when you choose an action, a list of registrations, if needed, will appear.
Once you choose an action, click the play button next to the drop down list.
- Export All Registrations: This allows you to export all of the registrations to a .csv file. This will not include custom field data.
- Send Confirmation Email: This allows you to resend a confirmation email to the registrant of each selected registration.
- View / Print All Invoices: This allows you to view or print paid and unpaid invoices related to the registrations.
- View / Print Open Invoices: This allows you to view or print unpaid invoices related to the registrations.
- Add Profiles To Affiliation: This allows you to apply an affiliation code to the registrant profiles of each selected registration.
- Email These Registrations: This allows you to create and send an email to the registrant of each selected registration.
- Apply Payments: This allows you to apply a payment to the invoice of each selected registration.
- Export All Registrations With Custom Field Data: This allows you to export all of the registrations to a .csv file. This WILL include custom field data.
- Export All Registrations With Custom Field Data As Excel File: This allows you to export all of the registrations to a .xlsx file. This WILL include custom field data.
- Export Selected Registrations With Custom Field Data: This allows you to export selected registrations to a .csv file. This WILL include custom field data.