Search for Invoices to email

To search for profiles based on invoice information through the Send Email tool in the browser version of MC Trade, the Invoice Selector provides multiple ways to filter and build lists. The Invoice Selector is launched from the Profiles tab when selecting recipients, by choosing "Create New List in Invoice Selector."


Using any of the search criteria options available in the three different sections (Invoice Info, Aging and Revenue Item), select your search criteria (see below for details) and click Preview to see the matching list of invoices in MC Trade. When you have finalized your search, click Email List (you will be able to remove exceptions in the Email Profiles grid).


Search Options:

Invoice Info: click Add Search Field to select from a dropdown list of invoice fields ot search by in this tab, including Invoice, Batch, and Posting Batch numbers, Invoice and Due dates, Sent Status, and the Preferred Billing Method of the profile. Select an operator (equal, contains, etc.), and then enter your search term value in the field provided. If you are searching on one of the date fields, you can select "In the Period" as your operator, and choose from Last 7 Days, MTD, etc. to build a dynamic date search. You can add multiple search fields and layer with and/or options, and click the X to remove criteria.

Aging: Select any aging period to filter to only invoices with an outstanding balance, either for all open invoices, only overdue invoices, or any period past due.

Revenue Item: Select one or more Revenue Items to filter the results (recommended that you use this in addition to criteria on either Invoice Info or Aging). The search will find any invoice that has at least one line item with the Revenue Item selected.

Payment Info: Select a payment filter to find invoices that have a payment meeting the criteria you've selected. This can include the Payment Type, Payment Date, or even a specific Check number. If you are searching Payment Date, you can select "In the Period" as your operator, and choose from Last 7 Days, MTD, etc. to build a dynamic date search. 


You can enter criteria from any/all of these sections, and the results will be for invoices that match ALL of the criteria (for example, all Dues Renewal invoices that also had a Payment Date in the past 7 days). 


Once you have selected your criteria and click Email List, the profiles assigned to these invoices will be pulled in to the Send Email "To" field with the default email for the profile. NOTE that in the first release of this tool, the "Communicate With" profile email and/or Billing email will NOT be used by default. You can manually override this by clicking "Send Email to Billing Contact of Profiles" in the Send Email tool above your profile list. Look for more advanced options on this feature coming soon.

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