With our new browser MC Trade interface, you can access an updated web report displaying the referrals that you have provided to any member, in a simple, easy-to-understand format. If you would like more information on referrals, how we track them, and exactly what is being recorded, please see our Referral Tracking Explanation article.
To access a member's referral report in the browser, open their profile using the Profile Search or by clicking on them from recent activity. Scroll down to below the profile's listing information and click View Referral Report:
The report will open in a new tab/window in your browser. At the top, you'll see your organization's name or logo. To add or update this logo, go to Admin > Association Info and click on the Logo URLs tab. Note that the logo URL you enter here will display at 100%, so be sure to use an appropriately-sized image.
By default, the report will show the past year of referrals. You can click on either the start or end date to view a calendar and select a different date range. You'll also see the name and address of the member you selected. Click the member name to visit their website, or click their address to map them. You can also see the category listing in which they appear in your online directory, and you can click on that to view their directory listing.
Below this information is the referral chart. There are two versions of the chart: Total Referrals Per Month (the default chart), and Referrals by Type (available on the second tab in the upper left corner of the chart). Total Referrals Per Month calculates all referrals from all sources for each month and displays a line chart of the date range selected:
On the Referrals by Type chart, you'll see a bar chart showing the total of each different Referral Types for the date range selected. To see the exact number for any type, hover directly over the bar and you'll see the corresponding number appear. Below the chart, you'll see a key indicating the type of referral for each different color-coded bar.
Again, for more detailed explanations on what is included in each of these types, please see our Referral Tracking Explanation article.
Next, the total referrals, impressions, and leads are shown, with the lead rate calculated. Total Referrals includes all referrals of any type within the date range selected. Total impressions refers specifically to the number of times the member was displayed online, either as a general directory result or a banner ad. Total Leads the refers to the number of times a visitor specifically clicked to view the member's specific information, including a detailed listing display or a banner ad click-through. Finally, the lead rate displays the percentage of impressions that were converted to leads (total leads divided by total impressions).
You can also see a further breakdown of the lead rate in the pie charts below. First, you'll see the lead rate itself as a pie chart (leads out of total impressions). Next, if the member had any banner advertising, you'll see the portion of total impressions that came from banner ad views. The last pie chart shows the portion of total impressions that came from views on the online directory.
If you'd like to show this referral report to your member, you can email them the direct link. Go back to their profile (the report opens in a new tab, so just click back to the tab displaying their profile). Click on Email Referral Report.
An email form is displayed, with the selected profile's email address entered by default. If you'd like to send the link to the referral report to a different email address, simply type that in instead. You can also change the subject line, and type in a message if desired. The link to the referral report will be dynamically added to the bottom of the message when you click Send.