The Purchase Item element on the form builder can be used to add one or more purchase items to the form. To create a Purchase Item element, go to the form builder and click "New Form Element". A small window would appear on your screen:
- Select a Revenue Item that this Purchase Item is going to be associated with. This will be used for creating the invoice
- If the revenue item you select is using a pricing structure and you want to use the pricing calculation for this purchase item, check the box "Use Pricing Calculation". Click to learn to know more on how to use pricing calculation.
- You can then set this Purchase Item to "Create a recurring billing record". You can set it up to be billed Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Yearly and Yearly. The submission date is used as the anchor day, month and year.
- Note that this setting is ONLY intended to create a billing record in the MC Trade database, and in itself will not prompt the profile or automatically set up an automatic charge on their credit card (ARB). The ARB settings are on the Form Settings for the overall form, not the specific purchase item. If you want to enable the ARB option for the form overall, you can do that in Form Settings, and if selected will automatically create the proper billing information without this purchase item-specific value being enabled.
- If this setting is enabled, a new billing record will be created regardless of the existing billing records on the submitting profile. If you are using a purchase item on a renewal form, note that enabling this setting may result in duplicate dues billing records, and a Membership Level may be a better way to manage renewal billings.
If not using a Pricing calculation, you can set a price for the Purchase Item. You can also let the submitter enter a custom amount and make it required.