Creating and Managing Events

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Events can be created at any time and for any size event - whether it's a small networking event or an annual conference.

Once created, you can view a summary by looking at the dashboard, or you can customize the event further by going to any of the tabs under Event Settings.

You can also view a breakdown of registrations or attendees.

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Finding an Event

  1. Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
  2. The events will appear as cards below.

The event name and ID will appear at the top of the card. You can click on either to open the event.

If there are too many events then you can move between pages.

If you cannot find an event, adjust any of the following:

  • Date range: This is looking at the event's start date and, by default, will look at events between today and one year from today.
  • Event Type: Choose an event type if necessary. This is based on your organization's list of event types which can be selected in the General Settings of each event.
  • Calendar Types: Place a check next to Organization, Community, Members Only, and/or Internal. This is looking at the calendar type(s) selected in the General Settings of each event.
  • View All with Pending Registrations: Place a check next to this if you want to include events that are not assigned to a profile.

Click Search to apply these changes to the cards below.

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Adding an Event

If you have an event that is repeating, you can copy the event for the purpose of using the same configuration settings, but then adjust the date, time, location, etc.

  1. Click on the Events menu and then Create New Event.

  1. For the Event Name, enter the name of the event.
  2. Choose a Start Date and Start Time.
  3. Choose an End Date and End Time.
    • If this is an all day event, place a check next to All Day Event to remove the time.
    • If the start time and end time are different for one or more days (i.e., a multi-day event) then place a check next to Set Hours of Each Day Separately.

Set Hours of Each Day Separately will only appear when the Start Date and End Date are different. Enabling this will prompt you to enter a start time and end time for each day.

  1. Click Save.

Once saved, your new event will open with the name and date/time saved and display the Event Dashboard. At this point, your event exists but still needs to be configured.

The list below identifies the major settings areas for you to configure:

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Event Dashboard

This will appear after creating an event, but you can return to it at any time:

  1. Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
  2. Find the event and click on its name to edit it.

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  • Status: Registration Open, Underway, or Past Event. Registration Open or Underway will display according to your Registration Settings and Past Event will display if the end date is in the past.
  • Time to event: The number of days from today that the event will/did start.
  • Attendees: The number of attendees who have registered for the event.
  • Max attendees: If defined, the number of attendees allowed to register (Registration Settings).
  • Event Report: This will open a report that shows each attendee's name, whether or not they paid, attended, and more.
  • Print Name Badges: This will open a report with each attendee's badge.

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Goal Tracking

  • Attendees: This will show x of y. x being the number of attendees who have registered for the event and y being the attendee goal if defined (Registration Settings).
  • Revenue: This will show $x of $y. x being the total amount invoices for this event and y being the revenue goal if defined (Registration Settings).

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Event Items

This section shows a list of the event items that were added.

  • Number Sold: Number of tickets sold to that event.
  • Attendee Count: Number of attendees that have registered.

Why are those separated? In the event item settings, you can define the number of attendees for 1 ticket. By default, 1 ticket = 1 attendee, but 1 ticket could equal 4 attendees. With 1 ticket sold, these figures would be different. Number Sold: 1 and Attendee Count: 4.

  • Attendee Name Unknown Count: Number of attendees that were registered without a name.
  • Amount Invoiced: The total amount invoices for that event item.
  • Amount Paid: The total amount paid for that event item.
  • Clicking the magnifying glass next to an event item will put you on the Registrations tab and automatically search for attendees that registered for that event item.

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Editing an Event

This section involves editing the settings of an event. Click here to edit registrations.

  1. Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
  2. Find the event and click on its name to edit it.
  3. After editing one or more of the following tabs, click Save to save all changes.

The list below identifies the settings that you can edit:

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Deleting an Event

This action CANNOT be undone.

  1. Click on the Events menu and then Select Events.
  2. Find the event and click the trash can on the far right.
  3. Place a check next to Yes and click Yes - Delete Event and All Settings to confirm.

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