Data Insights Settings

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In the upper right corner of the screen, you can click the Settings icon for several configuration options.

Ingest Data Going Back To: The first is the date from which all data is ingested (imported into Insights), and it applies to all data ingested and used in data topics, dashboards, and predictive analysis. This date cannot be set back further than 1/1/2019, but it can be moved forward.

This is recommended if you did not start recording significant sets of data like financials or event registrations until a date that is more recent than 1/1/2019.

Retention Model Field Options and Segmentation Model Field Options: Below the date setting, you can configure which data points should be used in the two Membership predictive analysis data models. By default, all data is used in Predictive Retention, and only non-categorical data is used for Segmentation.

If there are any data points listed that are NOT tracked at all in your database, or have some sort of outlying data that will skew the data models, you can check the box next to these data points to remove them from the models.

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