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Table of Contents
In this article, we will look at each dataset, and show all of the fields that are available to Data Insights.
For example, in the first section below (Profile Dataset): profile_orgind. If you ask the AI Data Analyst a question that contains either keyword: organization or company, it will look at the field: profile_orgind.
To illustrate another important point: profile_city. The keyword is town, so if you ask the AI Data Analyst a question that includes the word town, it will associate that with the field: profile_city. However, you can also type city in your question and it will associate that as well because "city" is part of the field name.
So, if your question contains a keyword or the field name, the AI Data Analyst will know which field to use.
Profile Dataset
Field Name | Keywords |
profile_profileid | ProfileId |
profile_orgind | organization, company |
profile_orgname | Org Name, Organization Name, Company Name, Member Name, Organization |
profile_firstname | First Name, First Name |
profile_lastname | Last Name, Last Name |
profile_mi | Mi, Middle Name, Middle Intial |
profile_prefix | Prefix |
profile_suffix | Suffix |
profile_title | Role, Personal Title |
profile_city | Town |
profile_state | |
profile_zip | Zip Code, Postal Code |
profile_zipext | Zip Extension |
profile_county | |
profile_country | |
profile_workphone | Work Phone, Office Phone, Phone, Phone Number |
profile_email | Email, Email Address |
profile_website | Website, Url |
profile_member | Member, Members, All members |
profile_prospect | Prospect |
profile_reportname | Report Name, Display Name |
profile_asf | Sort Name |
profile_employeesft | Employees FT, FTE, Employees Full Time, Full Time Employees |
profile_employeespt | Employees PT, PTE, Employees Part Time, Part Time Employees |
profile_naicscode | NAICS Code, North American Industry Classification System |
profile_birthdate | Birthday, Date of Birth, Birth Date |
profile_datecreated | Date Created |
profile_datechanged | Date CHanged |
profile_preferedcontact | Prefered Contact |
profile_inactive | Inactive |
profile_custstatus | Profile Status, Member Status, Customer Status, Status |
profile_billmanually | Bill Manually |
profile_noemail | Do Not Email, Unsubscribe |
profile_customers | Customer Count, Customers |
profile_membershiplevelid | Membership Level Id |
membershiplevel_name | Membership Level, Member Type |
profile_preferredbillingmethod | Preferred Billing Method |
profile_assignedtousername | Assigned To, Staff Assignment, Member Representitive |
profile_soldbyusername | Sold By, Salesperson |
profile_annualdues | Annual Dues, Dues, Membership Investment, Dues Amount |
member_membersince | Member Since, Member Date, Join Date, joined |
member_membersource | Member Source, Source |
memberactivity_lastactivitytype | Last Activity Type |
memberactivity_lastactivitydate | Last Activity Date |
listing_primarylistingcategory | Primary Category, Listing, Category, Business Category |
listing_primarylistingsubcategory | Sub Category |
profile_numberofunits | Number Of Units |
profile_entity_affcode | Entity |
profile_entityid | Entity ID |
memberage | Member Age, Age, Membership Duration, Years as a Member |
Revenue Dataset
Field Name | Keywords |
invoicelineitem_invoicenum | Invoice Number |
invoicelineitem_quantity | Quantity |
invoicelineitem_amount | Original Amount |
invoicelineitem_taxable | Taxable |
invoicelineitem_soldbyusername | Sold By Username, Sales person |
invoicelineitem_applydate | Apply Date, Transaction Date, Date, Month, Year, Revenue Date |
invoicelineitem_serviceperiod_startperiod | Service Period Start, Revenue Recognition Period Start |
invoicelineitem_serviceperiod_endperiod | Service Period End, Revenue Recognition Period End |
invoicelineitem_eventsignupid | |
invoicelineitem_billingid | |
invoicelineitem_pledgeid | |
paymentamount | Amount Paid |
lastpaymentdate | |
lineitemadjustmentamount | Adjustment Amount, Write off amount, Total adjustments |
paymentadjustmentamount | Refund amount, Refund |
adjustedlineitemamount | Adjusted Line Item Amount, Amount, Invoice Amount, Revenue, Revenue Amount, Total, Total Amount, how much |
adjustedpaymentamount | Adjusted Payment Amount |
adjustedamountdue | Amount Due, Amount Oustanding, Aging Amount, Open Amount, Unpaid Amount, Aging |
invoice_invoicedate | Invoice Date |
invoice_amountpaid | |
invoice_profileid | |
invoice_datedue | Due Date, Date Due |
invoice_posted | Posted |
invoice_dateposted | |
invoice_batch_creation | Batch Number, Creation Batch |
revenueitems_itemname | Revenue Item, Revenue Type, Revenue Code |
revenueitems_duestype | Dues, Dues Type |
revenueitems_deferredrevenue | |
revenueitems_cashbasis | cash basis, non-deferred |
revenueitems_pledge | Pledge revenue, Campaign |
billing_datecreated | |
billing_datechanged | |
member_membersince | Member Since, Member Date, Join Date |
member_membersource | Member Source, Source |
memberactivity_lastactivitytype | Last Activity Type |
memberactivity_lastactivitydate | Last Activity Date |
listing_primarylistingcategory | Primary Category, Listing, Category, Business Category |
listing_primarylistingsubcategory | Sub Category |
membershiplevel_name | Membership Level, Member Type |
profile_annualdues | Member Dues |
profile_orgind | organization, company |
profile_orgname | Org Name, Organization Name, Company Name |
profile_firstname | First Name, First Name |
profile_lastname | Last Name, Last Name |
profile_city | Town |
profile_state | |
profile_zip | Zip Code, Postal Code |
profile_zipext | Zip Extension |
profile_county | |
profile_country | |
profile_workphone | Work Phone, Office Phone, Phone, Phone Number |
profile_email | Email, Email Address |
profile_website | Website, Url |
profile_member | Member |
profile_prospect | |
profile_reportname | Report Name, Display Name, Who, Which members, Which profiles |
memberage | Member Age, Age, Membership Duration, Years as a Member |
Payment Dataset
Field Name | Keywords |
invoicepayments_applydate | Apply Date, Date, Month, Date Paid, Payment Date |
invoicepayments_posted | |
invoicepayments_paymentsource | |
paymenttypes_paymenttype | Payment Type, Payment Code, type |
paymenttypes_creditcardtype | Credit Card Payment Type, Credit Card, Credit card revenue |
paymenttypes_achtype | ACH Payment Type, EFT Payment Type, ACH |
invoicelineitem_applydate | |
invoicelineitem_eventsignupid | |
paymentamount | Original payment amount, Deposit |
lineitemadjustmentamount | Line Item Adjustment Amount |
paymentadjustmentamount | Payment Adjustment Amount, Refund Amount |
adjustedlineitemamount | Line Item Amount, Amount Invoiced |
adjustedpaymentamount | Payment Amount, Amount, Total Payments, Amount Paid |
adjustedamountdue | Adjusted Amount Due, Amount Due |
invoice_invoicenum | Invoice Number, Invoice Num |
invoice_invoicedate | Invoice Date |
invoice_profileid | |
invoice_datedue | |
revenueitems_itemname | Revenue Type, Revenue |
revenueitems_duestype | Dues Payment, Dues, Dues Amount |
revenueitems_deferredrevenue | |
revenueitems_taxtype | Tax revenue, Tax payment, tax amount |
revenueitems_pledge | Pledge revenue, Pledge payments |
member_membersince | Member Since, Member Date, Join Date |
member_membersource | Member Source, Source |
memberactivity_lastactivitytype | Last Activity Type |
memberactivity_lastactivitydate | Last Activity Date |
listing_primarylistingcategory | Primary Category, Listing, Category, Business Category |
listing_primarylistingsubcategory | Sub Category |
membershiplevel_name | Membership Level, Member Type |
profile_annualdues | |
profile_orgind | organization, company |
profile_firstname | First Name, First Name |
profile_lastname | Last Name, Last Name |
profile_city | Town |
profile_state | |
profile_zip | Zip Code, Postal Code |
profile_zipext | Zip Extension |
profile_county | |
profile_country | |
profile_workphone | Work Phone, Office Phone, Phone, Phone Number |
profile_email | Email, Email Address |
profile_website | Website, Url |
profile_member | Member |
profile_prospect | |
profile_reportname | Report Name, Display Name, Who |
profile_custstatus | Profile Status, Member Status, Customer Status, Status |
memberage | Member Age, Age, Membership Duration, Years as a Member |
Event Signups Dataset
Field Name | Keywords |
eventsignups_profileid | |
eventsignups_fname | |
eventsignups_lname | |
eventsignups_email | |
eventsignups_city | Registrant City, Sign Up City, Registration City, Registration Location, Sign Up Location |
eventsignups_state | Registrant State, Sign up state |
eventsignups_zip | Registrant Zip |
eventsignups_suffix | |
eventsignups_attended | |
eventsignups_amount | Registration Price, Registration Revenue |
eventsignups_quantity | Quantity purchased, Total Attendees, Registration Quantity, Well attended, Popular, Attendance |
eventsignups_orgname | |
eventsignups_title | Personal Title |
eventsignups_signupdate | Registration Date, Date registered, Sign Up Date |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_orgind | organization, company |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_city | City, Registrant City, Sign Up city, Registrant Location |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_state | State, Registrant State, Sign up state |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_zip | Zip Code, Postal Code, Registrant Zip, Sign up zip |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_county | County, Sign up county, Registrant County |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_country | Country, Registrant Country, Sign Up Country |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_member | Member |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_prospect | Prospect |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_assignedtousername | User Assigned to, Assigned to |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_annualdues | Annual Dues, Dues, Membership Investment, Dues Amount |
eventsignups_profile_view_member_membersince | Member Since, Member Date, Join Date |
eventsignups_profile_view_profile_custstatus | Customer Status, Profile Status, Registration Profile Status |
eventsignups_profile_view_membershiplevel_name | Membership Level |
eventlist_eventid | |
eventlist_eventtime | |
eventlist_endtime | Event End Time |
eventlist_eventdate | Date, By Date, Event Date, This year, month |
eventlist_eventenddate | |
eventlist_eventtype | Type of event, By type, Event category, Which types |
eventlist_eventname | Event Title, Name of Event, by Event |
eventlist_maxattendees | Maximum Attendees, Maximum Count |
eventlist_city | Event City, Event Location, Located |
eventlist_state | Event State, Location State, Where |
eventlist_zip | |
eventlist_orgevent | Org Events, Organizational Events, Chamber Events |
eventlist_ispublic | Community Event |
eventlist_membersonly | |
eventlist_internal | Internal |
eventlist_closed | Closed Event, Private Event |
eventlist_assignedto | Event Staff, User |
eventlist_disableregistration | Registration Disabled |
invoicelineitem_invoicenum | |
invoicelineitem_item | Event Item, Item Billed |
invoicelineitem_applydate | Invoice Apply Date, Date applied, Revenue Date |
invoicelineitem_eventsignupid | |
paymentamount | |
lineitemadjustmentamount | Discount, Adjustments, Write off |
paymentadjustmentamount | Refund amount, Amount refunded |
adjustedlineitemamount | Event Revenue, Event Income, Total Revenue, Revenue, Registration Revenue |
adjustedpaymentamount | Amount Paid, Payments, Total Payments |
adjustedamountdue | Outstanding Invoices, Collections Revenue, Amount Due |
invoice_invoicedate | Date billed |
invoice_datedue | Due Date, Invoice Due, Days outstanding |
invoicelineitem_revenueitems_itemname | Revenue Item, Revenue Code, Revenue Type |
invoicelineitem_revenueitems_taxable | |
invoicelineitem_revenueitems_taxtype | |
eventprice_descr | Registration Item, Event Item, Registered for |
eventprice_attendeesforitem | Attendees Included |
eventprice_issponsorship | Sponsor Item, Sponsorship, Event Sponsors |
eventpricecredittype_credits | CEU Credit, CEUs, Continuing Education Credits |
ce_credittype_cecredittype | Continuing Education Unit, Continuing Education, CEU Type |
memberage | Years as a member, Oldest members |