If you are interested in enabling Data Insights, click here to learn more and request access.
Table of Contents
Our unique role as a technology provider gives us visibility into valuable data about your health, activities, and trends. Personify Data Insights provides actionable insights to you, helping you better achieve your goals using AI technology to make data-informed decisions. Data Insights include:
- Dozens of analytical visualizations that summarize data and predict trends.
- An AI Data Analyst that allows you to ask simple questions about your data and generate reports summarizing the answers.
- Advanced data modeling tools to help you predict key business metrics like retention.
- An AI Assistant to ask general questions or assign tasks (outside of your data).
Accessing Data Insights
If you are interested in enabling Data Insights, click here to learn more and request access.
To access the Data Insights interface in MC Trade, click on the Reports menu, and then Data Insights.
All users with Full Access to the “Report Writer” security element for their user role will be able to view this menu item, log in to Data Insights, and view the screens outlined below.
Breakdown of Data Insights
On the left side of the screen, there are five tabs:
- Dashboards: This allows you to look at a wide range of graphs that visualize data across three areas.
- AI Data Analyst: Leveraging Amazon QuickSight, this tool allows you to ask questions about an MC Trade dataset: Profiles, Revenue, Payment, or Event Signups. It will provide an answer through visualizations, reports, and even a summary that can be copied to an email.
- Predictive Analysis: This tool will use data modeling algorithms to predict metrics such as retention and monthly revenue. It will also provide segmentation analysis, grouping members by engagement data, to show patterns, trends, and predictions.
- AI Assistant: This is a generative AI chatbot that does not look at your MC Trade data. Instead, it allows you to ask general questions, or assign tasks such as summarizing a specified webpage, writing an event description, or analyzing an uploaded file.
- Settings: This will allow you to change the historical cutoff date (moving it forward or as far back as 1/1/2019). It will also allow you to exclude certain fields from the Membership Retention Analysis or Membership Segmentation (Predictive Analysis).