Revenue Dashboards (Data Insights)

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The Revenue tab is found in the Data Insights interface.

It contains two tabs with different sets of Revenue-related data.

  • Revenue shows basic summary information for your revenue/financials.
  • Metrics shows an evaluation of revenue data against key metrics such as member age, days to pay invoices, and event attendance.

To prevent performance issues, your data is not being pulled in real-time. It is pulled nightly.

There are controls that change the behavior of every panel and panel options to see more information or to export that panel. Click here for more information.

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Revenue Tab

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Dues vs. Non-Dues Open Invoices by Month Due

This finds open invoices from the timeframe at the bottom. It then groups these by Dues, Non-Dues, and Other and calculates the total adjusted amount due (if greater than 0).

Move the mouse over each bar to see the specific total.

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Open Invoices by Revenue Item

This shows the total adjusted amount of open invoices for each revenue item.

a payment date during the timeframe at the top of the tab (Controls).

Move the mouse over each slice to see the specific total.

This visualization is particularly easier to see when maximized.

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Payments by Date and Type

This shows the total adjusted payment amount for invoices where the payment date is during the timeframe at the bottom. This is grouped by payment type.

Move the mouse over each bar to see the specific total.

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Adjustments by Revenue Item

[Try running this again. Ask Beatrice/Lauren if she can get you an image]

This shows the total line item adjustments for each revenue item where the adjustment’s apply date is during the timeframe at the bottom.

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Two Year Comparison of Revenue

The third column shows the sum of adjusted line item amounts for the indicated month and year (first column). The second column shows the sum from the previous year (same month).

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Recurring vs One-Time Revenue

This shows total line item adjustments for invoices where the line item apply date is during the timeframe at the bottom. It groups by one-time and recurring and then calculates the sum of each group.

One-time is an invoice that did not originate from a billing record while recurring is an invoice that did originate from a billing record.

Move the mouse over each bar to see the specific total.

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Average Days to Pay by Payment Type, Dues vs Non-Dues

This looks at each payment type and shows the average days to pay dues and non-dues. This will reflect all invoices that have a line item apply date during the date range at the top of the tab.

The average days to pay is calculated as the difference between the due date and payment date.

Negative numbers would indicate payment prior to the due date.

Move the mouse over each bar to see the specific total.

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Metrics Tab

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Non-Dues and Dues Revenue by Years as a Member

This shows (on the left) the total adjusted line item amounts (y-axis) of dues and non-dues invoices for profiles of each member age (x-axis).

This will reflect invoices that have a line item apply date during the date range at the top of the tab.

Member age is how long (in years) the profile has been a member based on the Member Since date.

Move the mouse over each bar to see the specific total.

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Average Days to Pay by Member Age

This shows the average days to pay invoices (y-axis) for profiles of each member age (x-axis).

  • This will reflect invoices that have a line item apply date within the date range at the top of the tab.
  • Member age is how long (in years) the profile has been a member based on Member Since date.
  • Average days to pay is calculated as the difference between the due date and payment date.
  • Negative numbers would indicate payment prior to the due date.

Move the mouse over each part of the line to see the specific total.

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Annual Dues of Monthly Event Attendees with Membership Level Breakdown

This shows the annual dues amount for all profiles that attended events, grouped by membership level.

This will reflect events that have an event date during the timeframe at the bottom.

Move the mouse over each bar to see the specific total.

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