Once you've selected the profile, you can click "Overwrite Values from Profile" to update the Organization Name and contact information in the registration with the values from the profile. This is a good option if info was left blank, spelled incorrectly in the registration, etc.
Save your changes and repeat.
Note: If the profile does not already exist in your database, you can check the box under Registration Contact and the Attendees to "Create Profile" (we always recommend searching your system first to prevent duplicates!).
Answer: You will first open the event and then click on Registrations in the menu. You will see that on the right is a count of the registrations with a number of registrations without a profile ID.
You can click the link and your list will be filtered to only show the registrations that need your attention. Just click on the Edit button on the registration card to update.
Once the registration opens, use the profile lookup to search for the profile where you want to place the invoice (Best Practice: search for the organization).