MC Trade helps you manage multiple event calendars and events, from promoting the event all the way to taking registrations and payments online. Events are classified by event types, which help you organize the many different kinds of events your organization coordinates.
Many organizations develop broad categories for their events, while others are more specific. Visitors to your online event calendar can search for events by event type. Follow these steps to create event types.
- Click on the Admin menu and then Manage Codes.
- Click on the Event Codes tab and then Event Types.
- Click Add an Event Type.
- For the Event Type, enter the name, and expand on it, if desired, with a description.
- If the event type should appear and be searchable on your online event calendar, place a check next to "Public." If this is an internal event type (not for public viewing), leave "Public" unchecked.
- Choose a color to help distinguish the different event types.
- Click Save. The new Event Type Code appears in the Codes grid.