While any member profile can always be dropped individually, you can configure your database to allow for batch-dropping of members based on nonpayment of dues (or other invoices). When a member has gone past a certain number of days overdue (determined by you) on their dues invoice, they will appear in your Batch Drop Management screen for you to drop in mass.
To complete the mass drop, you must configure your Drop Actions to tell the database which actions to complete when dropping the members. Click here for instructions on setting up your Drop Actions.
In addition, no members will be displayed as eligible for Batch Drop until you configure your settings telling the system when a profile should be eligible, based on unpaid dues invoices. For instructions on setting up the number of days aging at which point members should be mass-dropped, click here.
Once these options are configured, follow these steps to view and drop all overdue members in a batch:
1. Go to Profiles > Drop Members.
2. Your browser will open with the Batch Drop Management screen displayed. All members who meet the criteria in your Batch Drop Settings will be displayed in the grid, with the total count at the bottom.
3. You will see the profile ID, member name, and total invoices overdue based on your Batch Drop Settings configurations, as well as the number of days the invoice(s) are overdue. If you would like to download an Excel export of this list, click Export to CSV.
4. Select all members you wish to drop. You can click the top checkbox to select all members in the grid.
5. Click Drop Selected Members.
An email will be sent to the address(es) you indicated in your Batch Drop Settings confirming that the members have been dropped. This may take 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of members you had selected.