Directory Pages - Search, Results, and Details

Table of Contents


When landing on the main search page of your directory, users will see the main search bar and category dropdown, along with Popular Categories for your organization (based on referral data).

Search block: The category drop down and keyword search can work independently or be used together. The category drop down shows a combined list of all categories and sub-categories with listings in this directory.

Search Logic:

  • If you do select a category, but do not enter a keyword, and click on the magnifying glass, the results page will include all active listings in the selected category.

  • If you do enter a keyword and click on the magnifying glass, the results page will include active listings that contain that keyword (or phrase) in any of the following fields:

    • Display Name (Report Name)

    • Listing Keywords
    • Listing Products and Services

    • Category/Subcategory Keywords

See the Results page summary for more details on the relevance with which the results are returned.

Popular Categories: Under the search/header bar, the Popular Categories display as links to the top 5 categories with the most views.

If you do not see the category that you want, click "All Categories" at the very top (left side).

Mobile View: The search page is responsive, with the Category dropdown expanding over the keyword search in mobile view only until a category is selected.


After choosing a category or entering a keyword, and clicking on the magnifying glass, users will land on the Results page based on that search.

Results and order: At the top of every results page, you’ll see the category and/or keyword that generated that set of results.

Categories or subcategories that contain a "/" character are not supported and will not work with the dynamic URL generation of the directory. 

  • The results are sorted by relevance:

    • An EXACT match on Profile Name is the highest relevance and will display at the top

    • An EXACT match on Category Name will be the next displayed result

    • Partial match on Profile Name will be the next displayed result

    • Partial match on any keyword or Products & Services will be the last displayed result

  • Overriding this order logic is Level 5 listings. Anything set to Level 5 that matches any of the criteria listed above will appear in a group at the top with a vertical bar on the left of each level 5 listing.

  • Within each of these “relevance” groups, the sort order will be alphabetical with Position of Listing overriding the alpha order within the group.

Filters: If you have configured your directory to have any Affiliation Type IDs as filters, the Affiliation Codes will display in a column on the right of the results. The Affiliation Type description is displayed as the header and each Affiliation Code that is set as "Available in web searches" will display with a checkbox. When the user checks any of these options and clicks Filter, the results will be refined to only display listings where the corresponding Affiliation exists on the profile. 

Google Map: If a valid Google Maps API key is configured in the settings above, the map will display a pin for each listing on the page.

Listing Elements: On each result, the elements below will appear based on profile/listing information.

  • Logo: This pulls the web content record with the Listing_Logo content type for the profile.

  • Colored highlight bar: Level 5 listings only display a vertical bar to the left of the listing if a Header Color is selected.

  • Profile Name: This displays the Display Name in the listing if there is an override, otherwise uses the Report Name.

  • Member Since Date: This displays the Member Since date on the profile's Membership Information tab. Unless overridden, it shows the original join date (even if the member dropped and rejoined).

    • New Member Icon: This will display in the upper right corner of the listing if the member since date is within the number of days configured in the settings.

  • Address: This displays the Address fields from the profile unless overridden by the listing.

  • Phone: This displays the Work Phone field from the profile unless overridden by the listing.

  • Short Description: This displays the text from the listing's Short Description field.

  • Website: This displays the Website field from the profile unless overridden by the listing.

  • Social Media icons: The only currently supported icons for the new directory are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Additional social media options will be added in the future.

  • Affiliation Code icons: This displays all affiliation codes assigned to the profile that are set as “Available in web searches” and that have a valid icon URL.

  • Learn More: This will take the user to the detail listing page for the result.

This button will only appear for level 4 or 5 listings. You can still learn more about a listing that is level 3 or less by clicking on the listing name. The "Learn More" button just adds more visibility.

Listing Level Settings: Listing Levels will dynamically change the fields that appear on the results page. The elements above will all show on a Level 5 listing, but the following shows how certain items will be hidden for Level 4 and below:

  • Level 4 and below will not have a colored bar and will not appear in the top-level grouping.

  • Level 3 and below will not include the short description.

  • Level 2 and below will not include the listing logo or social media icons.

  • Level 1 (or unassigned) will not include the Member Since date, New Member icon, or Phone Number.

Referrals: Referrals are tracked for views on the results page, as well as click-throughs from the results page to the member’s website or social media icons, and being mapped on the sidebar map.

Mobile View: The results are responsive, displaying all information, but wrapping to a single column.


After clicking on a profile name or the Learn More button, users will see the Details listing page for that listing, including all profile and listing details.

Listing Elements: On each result, the elements below will appear based on profile/listing information.

  • Logo: This pulls the web content record with the Listing_Logo content type for the profile.

  • Profile Name: This displays the Display Name in the listing if there is an override, otherwise uses the Report Name.

  • Google Map: If a valid Google Maps API key is configured in the settings above, the map will display a pin for each listing on the page.

  • Member Since Date: This displays from the Member Since date on the profile Member tab (not Member Activity).

    • New Member Icon: This will display in the upper right corner of the page if the member since date is within the number of days configured in the settings.

  • Main Contact Name: This displays the Report Name of the profile's related main contact.

  • Address: This displays the Address fields from the profile unless overridden by the listing.

  • Phone: This displays the Work Phone field from the profile unless overridden by the listing.

  • Website: This displays the Website field from the profile unless overridden by the listing.

  • Social Media icons: The only currently supported icons for the new directory are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Additional social media options will be added in the future.

  • Long Description: This displays the text from the listing's Long Description field (including any HTML markup).

  • Products and services: This displays the text from the listing's Products & Services field.

  • Affiliation Code icons: This displays all affiliation codes assigned to the profile that are set as “Available in web searches” and that have a valid icon URL.

  • Photo Gallery: Listing_Photo1 will be displayed as the primary image in a rotating gallery, with Listing_Photo2 - Listing_Photo10 available to click through.

  • Video: This displays a video from the profile's Embedded Video tab (browser).

  • Custom Fields: This displays any custom fields that were added to the listed profile, but "Available On Website" must be enabled for that custom field to show (Admin menu > Manage Codes > Profile Codes > Custom Fields).

The custom field label is based on the custom field description and not the name.

  • Contact Form: This allows the user to send an email to the email address listing in the overrides on the listing, or defaults to the email address of profile. You have 2 options for using the contact form if you are Organization Member based:

    1. Use a generic email address (contactus@ or info@ etc.) on the Organization Member profile and the form will use that

    2. Use the main contact email address in the override settings on the listing

Listing Level Settings: Listing Levels will dynamically change the fields that appear on the results page. The elements above will all show on a Level 5 listing, but the following shows how certain items will be hidden for Level 4 and below:

  • Level 4 and below will not include the Video.
  • Level 3 and below will not include the Photo Gallery and Products & Services.
  • Level 2 and below will not include the Long Description, Contact Form, Listing Logo, and Social Media Icons.
  • Level 1 (or unassigned) will not include the Member Since date, New Member icon, Main Contact name, or Google Map.

Referrals: Referrals are tracked for views of the detail listing page, as well as click-throughs to the member’s website or social media icons, sending an email in the contact form, and being mapped on the sidebar map.

Mobile View: The results are responsive, displaying all information, but wrapping to a single column.

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