Directory Settings

These settings will change the look and feel of your directory.

  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Global Settings.
  2. Click on the Web Preferences tab and then Directory Settings.

  1. Click on the Website Domain, if you have more than one, and choose the desired domain. This allows you to have different directory settings for each domain.
  2. After making changes to the settings described below, click Save (at the top).

Changes will take effect immediately, but may require a hard refresh or cache clear if you are viewing the directory in your browser prior to making these changes. 

Webpage data is sometimes saved to your computer (cached) so that it can load the page faster. Therefore it is sometimes necessary to reload a page by performing a hard refresh (press Ctrl+F5) which refreshes the page while clearing the cache for that page.

The settings below are used only in the new directory. Note that these are set to the system defaults and do not use values configured in the old/current directory.

Directory Title: This title will appear above the search bar.

Directory Subtitle: This subtitle will appear underneath the title.

Header Image or Header Color: Choose a header image or color to appear behind the title and subtitle.

The header image filename may not contain any spaces.

The header color can be selected or entered as a hex code.

When selecting, if you wanted green, for example, you would click here:

Then you would click somewhere in here to choose the degree of green:

The other option is to do a web search for, as an example, "hex code light green" and then copy and paste that here:

Whether you select it or enter the hex code, click outside of the window to close it.

Google Maps API Key: If a valid API key is entered, a map will display on both the listing results page and the detail page for each listing with valid coordinates.

Days a member is new: This is the number of days after joining (the Member Since Date on the profile) that a member listing will be included in the New Member page with the New Member icon.

Directory Menu Settings: This allows you to show or hide menu items at the top of the directory page.

  • Show directory home menu item: If enabled, it leads back to the search landing page.
  • Show new members menu item: If enabled, it leads to a results page with only new member listings.
  • Show all categories menu item: If enabled, it leads to a page that lists all categories with subcategories in a hierarchy (linked to their respective result pages).
  • Show custom menu item: If enabled, there will be a custom menu with a user-defined name, menu items, and target URLs for each item.

Allow filter options for Affiliation Codes in the following Affiliation Type IDs: This determines which affiliation type(s) should appear in the search/results filter. It should be entered as a comma-separated list. For example: 5,6 will display affiliation types 5 and 6.

Each affiliation type will appear as a collapsible section in the Filter window. Under each type, only the codes that are configured as Available in web searches will appear.

Allow filter options for the following location types: This determines which location-based filters should appear in the search/results filter: City, State, Zip, and/or County.

Listing Results Options: This allows you to remove information from the listing results: Main Contact Names, Email Contact Forms, and/or Member Since Dates.

  • Require Authentication: If enabled, all directory pages (search, results, details) will prompt for login and require the user to meet the Portal Settings restrictions in the Configuration Settings to view the directory.
  • Display Members Listings Only: If enabled, it will only display listings on profiles that are flagged as a member.

Display Listings Only from Entity ID: This will limit the results to only listings assigned to the Entity ID that is entered.

Display Listings with Affiliations Only: Multiple affiliation codes can be entered here to limit the results to listings on profiles with those affiliation codes. After you enter part, or all, of the code, a list of possibilities will appear. Click on the desired code to add it.

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