Configuring your Member Drop Actions

When dropping a member either through your Batch Drop Member tool or in the Profile Browser for a single member, you can set up your system to automatically complete a number of actions to update the data appropriately for the profile you are dropping. If no Drop Actions are configured, you will need to manually drop members by creating a member activity record, inactivating billing records, writing off invoices, updating affiliation code lists, etc. 

  1. Go to Admin > Member Drop Actions.

  2. In the first section, indicate which default Member Activity Type you would like to use when dropping members. Note that you will be able to select unique drop Member Activity Types when dropping members individually - this Type will just be used for batch drop.

    Next, if you would like to update the Profile Status of the member upon dropping them, check the "Change" checkbox and select the Profile Status to which you would like to change the dropped member.

    Checking the "Inactivate (Unapprove) Any Coupons", will  Unapprove any coupons

    If desired, check "Inactivate Directory Listings" to ensure that the member is dropped from all categories on your online Member Directory.

  3. In the Invoices section, check the checkboxes to indicate whether you would like the system to automatically write off (create adjustments for) all dues invoices or all invoices of any type (or neither). If you do select either write-off option, you will see the Adjustment Type dropdown appear. Select the Adjustment Type to use for these write-offs.


  4. In the Billing section, check the checkboxes to indicate whether you would like to inactivate the dues billing record(s), and/or all other active billing record(s) for the profile when dropped.


  5. Check the "Inactivate All Benefits", to inactive any benefits on the member being dropped.

  6. Click the Affiliation Codes tab. In the first grid, select all of the Affiliation Codes that you would like to be removed from the Member profile when they are dropped. Select ALL Affiliations that you want removed, regardless of whether all profiles have that code (if you drop a member that does not have a code you select, it will simply skip over that code during the drop process).

    Next, select all Affiliations that you would like removed from RELATED profiles of the member being dropped. Note that if you select Committee affiliation codes, the related profiles will be inactivated from the committee tied to that code.
  7. Click Save.

Once these actions are configured, they will be executed each time you drop a member, either individually or in a batch.




This feature is included or available for purchase with the following MC Trade packages.



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