CommUnity | Styling Your Community

The CommUnity Admin panel provides a variety of ways for you to style your Community and ensure it fits with your organization's unique branding.

Body Editor

From the Site Building Tools section of the Admin Panel, click Body Editor. The Body Editor screen provides quick styling options for many areas of the platform.

Pick an out-of-the-box color theme under the Themes section or put in specific hex-color keys on the Colors section to match your organization. Click the box to the right of the hex-color field to use the color picker.




Use the Fonts section to select your font and font colors.




Use the Styles section to change the appearance of borders and spacing.




Additional options, like header color for page modules, can be found under the Advanced Options tab.

Click Save when finished.

Footer Editor

From the Site Building Tools section of the Admin Panel, click Footer Editor. The Footer Editor provides options to customize the footer for your community.

In the Footer Links section, add links and their associated URLs by clicking Create New Link. Delete unneeded links as needed by clicking Remove.




In the Footer Details section, select the Footer Background Color and Link Text Color as needed. Enter your organization’s name in the Copyright field. Check the checkbox for Social Media and input your social media URLs as desired.




Click Save when finished.

Navigation Editor

From the Site Building Tools section of the Admin Panel, click Navigation Editor. The Navigation Editor allows you to create and modify navigation links as well as upload your logo.




Use the Logos section to upload your organization’s logo for the top navigation bar. The large logo will appear on desktop view and the small logo will appear on smaller screens. If only one is uploaded, it will be used for both desktop and smaller screens.




Click Save when finished.

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