CommUnity | Newsfeed

The newsfeed allows all users to easily see what’s going on in the community at a glance. Users can visit the community, see what’s happening, and engage quickly and efficiently within one module. The newsfeed allows users to not only see but engage with the content displayed in it.


From the newsfeed, users can: 

  • Create a post
  • Reply to posts
  • React to posts
  • Edit or delete their own posts
  • Copy direct links to posts
  • Mark posts as objectionable
  • Use hyperlinks to navigate to files, groups, events, user profiles, organization profiles, and more

A user’s newsfeed contains all content that their segmentation and permissions allow. If a user is segmented out of a forum category, file category, or event category, they will not see that content in the newsfeed. Likewise, if an event is private and a user is not invited, they will not see updates for that event in their newsfeed.

Many actions will cause a piece of content to be added to the top of the newsfeed, including any of the following:

  • Creating an event
  • RSVP’ing ‘yes’ or ‘interested’ to an event
  • Creating a blog post
  • Uploading a file
  • Creating a profile post
  • Commenting on an event, blog, or file
  • Creating a forum topic
  • Replying to a forum topic

Creating a Post

Posts created at the top of the newsfeed will be shown to the entire community as well as in the user’s profile newsfeed. This is an easy way for users to ask questions and share content and ideas with the community without needing to create a full forum post.

To create a post:

  1. From the top of the newsfeed, select Start a post.
    The Create a post dialog box displays, as shown below.
  2. Use the CKEditor 5 text editor to enter and format your post text. From the editor you can:
    • Format your text using tools such as bold, italic, bullets, indenting, block quotes, highlighting, and headings.
    • Insert emojis and special characters.
    • Insert embeddable media such as tweets, videos (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo), Instagram, or Facebook posts using the Insert media option, or by simply pasting or typing the media URL directly into the text editor.
    • Insert images using the Insert image option, or by dragging and dropping the image into the editor. After inserting your image, you can add a caption and/or alternative text, as well as change the image alignment and size.
    • Use @ mentions and hashtags to tag other users and trending topics in your post.
      Typing '@' or '#' and then your text will open a menu for you to select a community user to tag or a previously-created hashtag to use, as shown above. After posting, you can click tagged users to see their profile, or click hashtags to search for and view other posts with the same hashtag.
  3. Once you have entered and formatted your post text, choose who you want to be able to see your post by selecting the Audience.
    The Audience defaults to Everyone but can be changed to Friends Only so that only your friends will see the post in their newsfeed.
  4. Select Post to post your content to the newsfeed. Posts you create will display on the sitewide newsfeed and on your profile newsfeed.

Interacting with a Post

Users are able to view and respond to all content within the newsfeed, including forum topics. Content is displayed with the comments underneath, so a user can comment on content, reply to other users, and have entire conversations all on a single screen! 

In addition to responding to posts, users can also react to posts as well as edit their own posts.

Reply to a Post

To reply to a post or forum topic:

  1. From the newsfeed post, select Reply.
    The Reply dialog box appears at the bottom of the post. 
  2. Click in to the Reply dialog box to use the CKEditor 5 text editor to enter and format your reply text.
    From the editor you can:
    • Format your text using tools such as bold, italic, bullets, indenting, block quotes, highlighting, and headings.
    • Insert emojis and special characters.
    • Insert embeddable media such as tweets, videos (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo), Instagram, or Facebook posts using the Insert media option, or by simply pasting or typing the media URL directly into the text editor.
    • Insert images using the Insert image option, or by dragging and dropping the image into the editor. After inserting your image, you can add a caption and/or alternative text, as well as change the image alignment and size.
    • Use @ mentions and hashtags to tag other users and trending topics in your post.
      Typing '@' or '#' and then your text will open a menu for you to select a community user to tag or a previously-created hashtag to use. After posting, you can click tagged users to see their profile, or click hashtags to search for and view other posts with the same hashtag.
  3. Select Reply to post your reply. Your reply will display on the sitewide newsfeed post, as well as within the forum discussion thread if you replied to a forum topic post.

Post Reactions

Hover over the Like button on a post to view and select from available reactions, as shown below.


You can see how many reactions a post already has in the lower right corner. Click to see a list of users and their reactions.


Additional Interactions

You can also interact with newsfeed posts in additional ways, depending on the post type:

  • Hover over a posted file or event to view additional details
    You can click the hyperlinked file or event name to open the file or event details page.
  • View the number of comments and downloads on a file
  • Comment on a file or event
    Comments posted on a file or event will also show on the file or event details page.


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