This article is part of a series. At the bottom is a link to the next article. If you have not created a campaign yet, click here to go to the beginning of the series.
Pledge invoices appear automatically after you generate invoices from the Generate Invoices screen. It will then appear under the Invoices tab of the pledge and in the Transactions screen of the profile. If you need to manually add an ad-hoc invoice, this MUST be done under the Invoices tab of the pledge.
Adding a Pledge Invoice
- Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
- Find the campaign.
At the top, filters are available to make the search easier and a button to sort the list.
- On the right side, next to the campaign, click ACTIONS, and Edit.
- Click on the Pledges tab.
- Find the pledge.
- On the right side, next to the pledge, click ACTIONS, and Edit.
- Click on the Invoices tab.
- Click Add an Invoice.
- The Invoice Details tab will be filled out with information from the profile, but you may want to adjust the information.
The due date is the date that payment is due (to calculate the aging period for overdue invoices). The invoice date is the date that you created or sent the invoice.
- After making any desired changes, go back to the top, and click on the Line Items tab.
- Click Add Line Item.
- Choose a Revenue Item for this invoice.
Most of these fields may be defined on the Revenue Item. If defined, they will default to that value, but can be overridden.
- Choose an Apply Date. This is when the transaction will be posted to any general ledger accounts configured for the selected revenue item.
- Choose a Service Period Start and Service Period End date. These will not impact the posting of this transaction, but impact the revenue recognition reports.
The Service Period Start will default to the same date as the Apply Date and the Service Period End will be based on the Service Period, if defined, for the selected Revenue Item.
- Enter an Amount Unit Price.
- Enter the Quantity.
The adjusted amount due below will be automatically calculated:
- Unit Price x Quantity + Base Price (if entered).
The Flat Fee option will override the Unit Price, Quantity, and Base Price.
- Click Save.
- At the bottom is an option to Add Line Item if you need to add more.
Editing a Pledge Invoice
- Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
- Find the campaign.
At the top, filters are available to make the search easier and a button to sort the list.
- On the right side, next to the campaign, click ACTIONS, and Edit.
- Click on the Pledges tab.
- Find the pledge and, next to it, click ACTIONS, and Edit.
- Click on the Invoices tab.
- Find the invoice that you want to edit and click on the invoice number.
As long as the line item has not been posted to your accounting software, you can change any of the line item fields. If the fields are grayed out, there will be a Posted On date down below.
- After making the desired changes, scroll to the top, and click Save.
Deleting a Pledge Invoice
Exercise caution because this operation cannot be undone.
- Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
- Find the campaign.
At the top, filters are available to make the search easier and a button to sort the list.
- On the right side, next to the campaign, click ACTIONS, and Edit.
- Click on the Pledges tab.
- Find the pledge and, next to it, click ACTIONS, and Edit.
- Click on the Invoices tab.
- Find the invoice that you want to delete and click on the invoice number.
- Click on the Delete Invoice tab.
- Click Delete Invoice to confirm.
Next in series: Pledge By Date Report