This article is part of a series. At the bottom is a link to the next article. If you have not created a campaign yet, click here to go to the beginning of the series.
Adding a Campaign
- Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
- Click Add a Pledge Campaign.
- Enter a Pledge Campaign Name.
- Choose a Pledge Campaign Type.
The campaign types may be configured by going to Admin > Pledge Campaign Types.
- Enter a Start Date and End Date for the overall campaign.
- For the Goal, enter a dollar amount.
- For the Campaign Year, you may enter the base year of this campaign.
- For the Description, you may enter more information to identify this campaign.
- Click Save.
Once the campaign opens, you will see a tracking bar at the top that will show the progress towards your goal amount as you add pledges.
Editing a Campaign
- Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
- Find the campaign that you want to edit.
At the top, filters are available to make the search easier and a button to sort the list.
- On the right side, next to the campaign, click ACTIONS, and Edit.
- After making the desired changes, scroll to the top or bottom, and click Save.
Deleting a Campaign
Exercise caution because this operation cannot be undone. Deleting a campaign will also remove the ability to view/edit any pledges you have entered for that campaign. Also note that deleting a campaign will NOT delete any billing records or invoices that have been created under that campaign.
- Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
- Find the campaign that you want to delete..
At the top, filters are available to make the search easier and a button to sort the list.
- On the right side, next to the campaign, click ACTIONS, and Delete.
- Click Delete to confirm.
Next in series: Managing Pledges