Managing Campaigns

This article is part of a series. At the bottom is a link to the next article. If you have not created a campaign yet, click here to go to the beginning of the series.

Adding a Campaign

  1. Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
  2. Click Add a Pledge Campaign.


  1. Enter a Pledge Campaign Name.


  1. Choose a Pledge Campaign Type.

The campaign types may be configured by going to Admin > Pledge Campaign Types.

  1. Enter a Start Date and End Date for the overall campaign.
  2. For the Goal, enter a dollar amount.
  3. For the Campaign Year, you may enter the base year of this campaign.
  4. For the Description, you may enter more information to identify this campaign.
  5. Click Save.

Once the campaign opens, you will see a tracking bar at the top that will show the progress towards your goal amount as you add pledges.


Editing a Campaign

  1. Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
  2. Find the campaign that you want to edit.

At the top, filters are available to make the search easier and a button to sort the list.

  1. On the right side, next to the campaign, click ACTIONS, and Edit.


  1. After making the desired changes, scroll to the top or bottom, and click Save.

Deleting a Campaign

Exercise caution because this operation cannot be undone. Deleting a campaign will also remove the ability to view/edit any pledges you have entered for that campaign. Also note that deleting a campaign will NOT delete any billing records or invoices that have been created under that campaign.

  1. Go to Revenue > Pledge Campaigns.
  2. Find the campaign that you want to delete..

At the top, filters are available to make the search easier and a button to sort the list.

  1. On the right side, next to the campaign, click ACTIONS, and Delete.


  1. Click Delete to confirm.

Next in series: Managing Pledges

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