When you edit an event registration in a way that changes a registration's event items or price, the original invoice will be adjusted off and a new, fresh invoice with the new items will be created. This allows you to tie in correctly to your financials, but keeps the registration invoice itself clean and simple for whatever most current items/custom field values/promo codes/etc. are in use.
When is an invoice adjusted off and re-created?
There are two key factors that determine whether the invoice is affected when changing an event registration:
- The Total Amount for the registration changes. This could be because of an added fee, a change in a custom field with an associated price, or event item changes.
- Any change in quantity to an event item with a price associated with it ($0 event items do not apply). This means if you change a registrations from having one $10.00 event item to having two $5.00 event items instead, the invoice will be adjusted off and recreated even though the "Total Amount" value is the same.
- You have modified the invoice outside of the registration process so that it no longer matches the total that should be on the registration, including "Do Not Invoice" where no invoice was originally created but the event items have a cost associated with them.
What adjustment types are used to adjust off the original invoice?
As soon as a change is made that triggers an invoice change, the "Invoice Modifications" section will appear on the Payment Info tab and you will be required to select a Line Item Adjustment Type. If the original invoice had been paid, you will also see the Payment Adjustment Type. This will be used only to adjust the original payment in order to re-apply it to the new invoice (see below).
What if the invoice was already paid - what happens to the payment?
If the original invoice on the registration had been paid, that payment will first be adjusted off of the original invoice and then re-applied to the new invoice, using the same date, payment type, and tying to the same Credit Card transaction (if applicable). The amount will be updated to the new amount of the newly created line item.
- If the new total is higher: the original payment will be applied up until the original, actual amount paid and then the remaining line items will be outstanding. You can apply additional payment when editing the registration as well (see below).
- If the new total is lower: the original payment will be be applied until the new invoice is fully paid, and then the remainder will be created as an Unapplied Payment on the profile. If the original payment was a Credit Card payment, you also have the option to choose Refund Credit Card instead of creating an Unapplied Payment.
How can I apply additional payment to the new invoice?
When you edit a registration and the Total Amount is increased, the Payment Method options dropdown will appear. If you have payment in the form of a Credit Card or Check for the additional amount, you can choose the appropriate payment method from the dropdown and the remaining payment amount will be applied. If you do not have the additional payment in hand, leaving the Payment Method as "Bill me later" will leave the remaining balance outstanding on the invoice for you to apply payment later.
What if I don't want the invoice modified in this way?
If you prefer to manually handle the changes to the invoice after updating a registration, you can choose "Do Not Modify Invoice/Payment" on the Payment Info tab of the registration before saving. This option may be selected by default, based on your global event system settings. If Do Not Modify is selected, the registration will be saved without affecting the previous version of the invoice in any way. You will then need to edit the invoice manually by clicking the Edit Invoice button on the registration. Click below to view a brief video on how to manually update an invoice rather than using the automated process: