Pricing Calculations

If your membership dues or other recurring revenue is based on a variable pricing structure, you can set up an automated Pricing Calculation to use a formula to set billing amounts. 

Currently you can set up Pricing Calculations based on the Number of Full-Time Employees field of a profile, or any Profile Custom Fields that are set as a "number" data type.

Adding a Pricing Calculation

  1. Click on the Revenue menu and Pricing Calculations.

  1. Click the New button.

  1. Enter a Description.
  2. Choose a Revenue Item.

The calculation will be used when this Revenue Item is selected in your Online Join Form, and/or for billing records on a profile or membership level.

  1. From the drop down, select the field by which you want to calculate:
    • Number of Full Time Employees: This calculates based on the Number of Full-Time Employees in the General Information tab of the Profile Edit screen.
    • Custom Fields: This drop down will include all of your custom fields that are number-based. You can choose any of these custom field values to calculate your pricing ranges.

If you do not see your custom fields listed, click on the Admin menu and Manage Codes. Then click on Profile Fields and Custom Fields. Change the data type to Integer or Decimal. You may only do this for fields where the value is an actual number, text/letters cannot be used.  

If you need to build a pricing calculation using data from any fields other than the number of full time employees or custom fields, you'll need a custom SQL statement.

There is an option to Use Custom SQL while creating a new calculation. This will open a blank text box where you can write a statement to calculate the amount(s) to use. 

For information on having a custom SQL statement created for you, contact our Help team.

After choosing a field from the drop down, a row with a default range of 1 to 10 will appear. Underneath it will be a row for Everyone else. As an example, if you chose Number of Full Time Employees then the first row would be a calculation for an organization with 1-10 employees, and the second row would be a calculation for an organization that has over 10 employees.

  1. Adjust the range to numbers that make sense.
  2. To the right of the range, you may enter a price (see screenshot below) which would be multiplied by the number of employees/custom field value, or you may enter a base price (see second screenshot below) instead of a price per employee, or you may enter both.

In the above example, if the organization has 10 employees:

  • Price: $10 and no base price (10 employees x $10) = $100
  • No price and base price: $10 (10 employees x $0) + $10 = $10
  • Price: $10 and base price: $10 (10 employees x $10) + $10 = $110
  1. Click Add a Row to add another range if needed and repeat steps 6 and 7. Click the X at the end of the row to remove a range if needed.
  2. Once you have added all ranges and prices, click Save

Now that your pricing calculation is created, you can use it to calculate dues pricing in different areas of the system.

Applying to Membership Levels

  1. Click on the Admin menu and Membership Level Management.
  2. When adding or editing a membership level, click on the Billing tab.
  3. Click Edit next to the Membership Level.
  4. On the Billing tab, choose the same Revenue Item that you assigned to your pricing calculation.
  5. Place a check next to Use ARC Record to Calculate Dues Amount and choose the pricing calculation from the drop down list.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click No, Save Settings Only if you want the calculation to only be used for new billings moving forward. Click Yes, Update Profiles if you want the calculation to update all existing billing records in that membership level.

Applying to Online Forms

  1. Click on the Communication menu and Form Builder.
  2. Click on the form that you wish to edit.
  3. Add or edit a Purchase Item element and choose the same Revenue Item that you assigned to your pricing calculation.
  4. Place a check next to Use Pricing Calculation and choose the pricing calculation from the drop down list.

  1. Be sure your form includes the Number of Employees member contact field, so that the formula can use it to calculate your pricing.
  2. Click Save.

If you applied the pricing calculation to the membership level then it isn't necessary to also apply it to the online form.


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