Invoices and Payments created from Automatic Recurring Billing (ARB) charges

As of 11/16/2020, we have updated the method used to create invoices and payments in MC Trade based on any recurring billing charges made through or Bambora. Rather than a "silent post" that relies on communication from the gateway to trigger the invoice/payment creation, as well as an older method of generating invoices through MC Trade, transactions will now be processed through the latest API available to retrieve successful charges and create invoices and corresponding payments. 

Once each day at 6 AM Eastern time, MC Trade will run a sync to retrieve all successful transaction made by that day for any recurring billing that has been set up through MC Trade. Charges are generally made by the gateway shortly after midnight, so most charges should be created as invoices/payments in MC Trade on the morning of the recurring charge. Any charges made after the sync will be generated the following day, but dated correctly based on when the gateway charged the card. 

No action is needed on your part to trigger this method of invoice creation. As long as you have a credit gateway set up and configured to allow ARB creation (see this article for more detail on setting up ARB for your gateway(s)), this automated sync will run each day and generate invoices and payments in the profiles in your database to reflect the gateway transactions. 

See our Frequently Asked Questions article for more information on Automatic Recurring Billing in MC Trade. 

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