Inactivate a Committee Member

Automatically Inactivate a Member

Manually Inactivate a Member

Manually Inactivate Multiple Members

Change the Date Inactive

Automatically Inactivate a Member

You can configure a committee so that members are automatically inactivated on their Term Expires date.

  1. Click on the Profiles menu and Committees.
  2. Click on the committee and click the Committee Details tab on the left.
  3. Scroll down to Term Settings for Members and place a check next to Inactivate members on expiration date.

Each night, any active committee members who have expired will be set to "Inactive" on that committee. 

Manually Inactivate a Member

  1. Click on the Profiles menu and Committees.
  2. Click on the committee and click the Committee Members tab on the left. 
  3. Next to the committee member who should be inactivated, click the Actions button, and choose Inactivate to set the member as inactive.

Manually Inactivate Multiple Members

  1. Click on the Profiles menu and Committees.
  2. Click on the committee and click the Committee Members tab on the left.
  3. Place a check next to the members that you want to inactivate.
  4. Click the Actions button above the grid on the left and Flag Selected Members as Inactive.

  1. Confirm by clicking Inactivate Members.

Change the Date Inactive

When a member is inactivated, the Date Inactive will automatically reflect the current date, but you can change that by editing the member.

  1. Click on the Profiles menu and Committees.
  2. Place a check next to Include inactive members.

  1. Click Run This Search.
  2. Next to the committee member, click the Actions button, and choose Edit.

  1. Change the Date Inactive to your preferred date.
  2. Click Save.
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