Email Committee Members

Because committee members are automatically assigned the Affiliation Code of the committee, you can always search for that Affiliation Code in the profile selector, mass communicator directly, etc. to find and email a list of members. However, you can also do this directly from the committee:

  1. Open the committee, and click to the Committee Members tab on the left.
  2. By default, only active committee members are returned in the search. To email all active committee members, simply click the box at the top of the datagrid to select all. Alternately, click the box next to each committee member you want to email.
  3. In the actions dropdown in the upper left corner of the grid, choose Email Selected Members.
  4. The new email will open, with your selected committee members loaded into the "To" field of the Profiles section. You can compose your message and/or select a template, and send as usual. Click here for details on sending emails out of MC Trade. 
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