Create a New Committee

Committees can be set up to track any group that meets regularly, whether that's your board of directors, a topic-based task force, or a Young Professional group. If you want to track member participation and join dates, attendance, notes, and more, Committees are the best way to do so.

Note: Each Committee needs a unique Affiliation Code. Before following the steps below, have the system administrator create an Affiliation Code for the new Committee. It should simply be the name of the Committee. Click here to learn about creating Committee Affiliation Codes.

  1. Go to Profiles > Committees and click Add a Committee in the upper right corner.
  2. Enter a name for the committee and choose the corresponding affiliation code (see above - this must be created prior to creating a committee).
  3. Click Save. The committee view loads with the new committee loaded.
  4. Choose the Committee Type from the list. This allows you to group your committees for better organization. If you do not have the proper Committee Types, click here to learn about creating them.
  5. Enter a brief description of the committee. This will appear on the Committee Meeting Report.
  6. Choose the User that this committee is assigned to, if applicable. This is an FYI field and does not limit accessibility to the committee.
  7. In the Committee Lifespan section, the Active checkbox is checked by default, and indicates that is a current, active committee.
  8. The Ongoing checkbox indicates that this committee continues on from one year to the next, with no foreseeable end date.
  9. Start date and End date: If this committee isn't ongoing, like a task force, then fill in the start and end date for information as to when they disband.
  10. In the Term Settings for Members section, you can indicate the default length of time that members will serve on a committee, if any. This setting helps you more easily manage committee members in bulk, but it can be overwritten/customized for any given committee member at any time.
  11. Finally, if you have set terms/expiration for committee members serving on the committee, and you would like the system to automatically inactivate them from the committee after they have expired, check the checkbox to "Inactivate members on expiration date"
  12. Click Save to save your changes. 

You can then click on the Committee Members tab to begin adding members.

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