If participation in a Committee is something your members would be proud to be recognized for, consider promoting their involvement with a custom icon on their directory listing. Through Affiliation Codes, you can place icons or logos as badges on a members directory listing. It's a great way to demonstrate how grateful you are for members who get actively involved in your association.
When used, a Committee member's directory listing can look like this:
Follow these steps to place an icon on the directory listings of Committee Members:
- Create the image you want to use as an icon. It should be an image file (.jpeg, .png, etc) and should have relatively small dimensions (e.g. no more than 60 pixels tall or wide)
- Upload the image as a Web Content Record in MC Trade. This will give the image a url to use later. (If the image lives somewhere else, use the url from the image)
- Create or Open the Affiliation Code you will use to identify these members. Note: If you are doing this for a committee but the individual is assigned to the committee, not the organization that appears on the directory, you will need a new affiliation code just for the organization).
- On the Affiliation Code, enter the url of the image in the Icon Image URL field.
- Click Save.
- Apply the Affiliation Code to any Profile who should receive it. The image will appear on both the Results and Details pages of their Directory Listing.