Overview of the LEGACY Event Calendar Web Page

NOTE: If you still have the legacy events calendar, please chat with support to be upgraded to the newest version!


The Event Calendar Web Page is a searchable area when people can use Event Types, Keywords and Dates to find all of the upcoming events you have published to your website.

This article will describe two important aspects of the Event Calendar Web Page:

  1. The 3 Parts of the Event Calendar Web Page
  2. Ways you Can Create Unique Versions of this Page

The 3 Parts of the Event Calendar Web Page

The Event Calendar Web Page has three specific areas of information:

  1. Calendar Month Area- Dates in bold on this calendar are links to a list of the events scheduled for that date
  2. Event List Area - A list of the Event Names for events upcoming in the next 60 days.
  3. Event Search Area - A set of fields that people can use to find upcoming events in your Calendar

The image below  highlights the three areas of the Event Calendar Web Page:

Ways you Can Create Unique Versions of this Page

By Search Result

When a user searches your event calendar, either by selecting an Event Type from the Category drop-down menu, selecting a Month, or by entering keywords in the Specific Text box, the results that appear will have a unique url.

For example, if the user selected the Event Type of "Educational Events" from your Category drop-down menu and hit Search, they would be directed to a real-time list of all upcoming events in that Event Type. You can use that same web page search result as a link to promote your upcoming Educational Events. The link will always return a live list of upcoming events; old past events will never appear.

By Calendar Type

MC Trade uses the Calendar Type designations to run four versions of this Event Calendar Web Page simultaneously. The four Calendar Types to choose from are located in the Event Details area of your Event Record. How you use these Calendar Type designations is up to you, but descriptions and suggestions are below:

  • Organizational Event - Events that are generally organized by you and viewable on your calendar by anyone.
  • Community Event - Events that are generally organized by someone else but you allow them to appear on your calendar.
  • Internal Event - Events that are generally organized by you but should only be visible to a private group of people, such as staff or board members.
  • Members Only Event - Events organized by you that should appear on the Upcoming Event List in the members Only Area of your website.

Below is an image of the Calendar Type designation list you can choose from:

You can force the Event Calendar Web Page to only list events from a particular Calendar Type designation by appending the following text to the website address for your Event Calendar Web Page:

  1. Your Event Calendar Web Page is typically some thing like this: web.yourwebsiteaddress.xom/events
  2. Add the following text to the end of the address to link to a list of upcoming events in a particular Calendar Type:
  • eventresults.aspx?ce=true for Community Events
  • eventresults.aspx?oe=true for Organizational Events
  • eventresults.aspx?ie=true for Internal Events
  • eventresults.aspx?mo=true for Members Only Events


This feature is included or available for purchase with the following MC Trade packages.



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