Integrate MC Trade with Intacct Accounting Package

MC Trade integrates with Intacct to help streamline your accounting data entry. You can set up the connection to your company's Intacct file in the Admin section, and use this connection to import General Ledger accounts for setup, and to actually post transactions entered into MC Trade as journal entries to Intacct. To set up the integration for direct posting, follow the steps below in the MC Trade financials desktop application. (If you are setting up the integration for manual posting, click here)

1. In the main menu, go to Admin > Set Preferences > Application Settings.

2. Click the Accounting Package Integration tab.

3. Click the Edit/View Accounting Packages link.

4. Click New to add a new Accounting Package.

5. In the Package Type dropdown, choose IntAcct.

6. Enter a name for the Package so you can identify it in MC Trade (this should be the name of your organization how you would like it to appear on the invoice template "pay to" address).

7. Scroll to the right until you see the Intacct columns - CustomerID, UserID, and Password.  Fill these three fields in with the appropriate value from your Intacct account.

  • The UserID that is needed for the integration is that of a Web Services User, not that of the Admin User - the Web Services User is a “web services only” user and cannot sign in to the Intacct web application.
  • . To create or locate the Web Services User ID in Sage Intacct follow the steps below:
    • From the Applications dropdown, click Company.
    • Navigate to Admin > Web Services Users.
    • From the Web Services Users list, created or copy the required User ID and password and insert into MC Trade.image.png

8. Click Save, then click the Test Intacct Connection link (you may need to scroll to the right to see this).

9.  Log in to your Intacct account and access the Company Configuration Security tab and add: WebLink

This step allows approval for Web Service Requests between MC Trade and Intacct.  More information on how to complete these steps in Intacct can be found here:

If for any reason you do not get a successful test, double-check that you have entered everything correctly. If you still cannot get the test to complete successfully, contact Support.

Once you have completed this integration, you can set up your Revenue Codes in the Admin section to connect with your General Ledger Accounts. See more articles and training on how to complete this setup in the Revenue section of the Help Center. Click here to see how to set up Locations and Departments.


I'm Connected!..... Now what?

Congratulations!  Now use the articles below to complete the integration:

  1. Import your Account Codes from IntAcct to MC Trade.
  2. Assign those Account Codes to your Revenue Items, Payment Types, and Adjustment Types.
  3. Post Transactions: Click here to see how to post transactions to your accounting software. Please note, for Sage Intacct a summary journal entry (or entries) will be posted from MC Trade to Intacct and it will be grouped by Apply Date, General Ledger Account Codes, and Location.


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