Creating and Managing Revenue Items


Revenue items are the primary component of invoice line items, They are used throughout MC Trade including sales opportunities, billing records, event items, and all invoices. You can create as many revenue items as you need for the different line items being billed, and several revenue reports are categorized by these items. 

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Adding a Revenue Item

If you are integrating MC Trade with the "Intacct" accounting package then set up your revenue items in Desktop Connect, to dynamically choose your department and location for each item. Otherwise proceed with setting up your revenue items in the browser.

  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Manage Codes.
  2. Click on the Revenue Codes tab and then Revenue Items.
  3. Click Add Revenue Item in the top right corner.

  1. For the Item Name, enter the name of this new revenue item.

  1. For the Description, enter a specific description of this new revenue item. This will appear on the invoices that use this revenue item, but you can always override it by editing the invoice.
  2. Review the other revenue item settings and adjust as needed.
  3. Click Save.

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Editing a Revenue Item

  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Manage Codes.
  2. Click on the Revenue Codes tab and then Revenue Items.
  3. Find the revenue item that you wish to edit, click Actions, and Edit.

  1. Make the desired changes and click Save.

Click here for a breakdown of the revenue item settings.

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Deleting a Revenue Item

It is advised that you deactivate a revenue item instead of deleting it so that you protect that history. However, if you created this item in error and have not really used it, there is an option to delete.

  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Manage Codes.
  2. Click on the Revenue Codes tab and then Revenue Items.
  3. Find the revenue item that you wish to deactivate, click Actions, and Delete.

  1. Click Delete to confirm.

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Disabling or Enabling a Revenue Item


  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Manage Codes.
  2. Click on the Revenue Codes tab and then Revenue Items.
  3. Find the revenue item that you wish to deactivate, click Actions, and Edit.
  4. Place a check next to Inactive and click Save.


  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Manage Codes.
  2. Click on the Revenue Codes tab and then Revenue Items.
  3. At the top, click Show inactive revenue items.
  4. Find the revenue item that you wish to reactivate, click Actions, and Edit.
  5. Remove the check next to Inactive and click Save.

  1. At the top, click Hide inactive revenue items to return to your filtered list.

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