Because of the flexibility and advanced transaction options you have with MC Trade invoices, sometimes the multiple line items, payments, and adjustments on an invoice can get complicated. To easily break down the balance of any one invoice, you can use the View Details link on any line item to see exactly what has been applied to each different line item on that invoice.
In the Line Items section of an invoice, each line item displays an "Adjusted Amount Due" that calculates the total amount still outstanding based on the following:
(Unit price) x Quanitity + Base Price (or Flat Fee)
Add/remove any adjustment amounts (most are negative)
Subtract any payments
Add any refunds/adjustments made to payments
This results in the total remaining amount outstanding of the line item. To see the exact breakdown of this calculation, click View Details.
A modal window opens that has the details for the line item you selected displayed. Any other line items on the invoice are also included but the details are collapsed, and you can click Expand on each one to see those details as well.
The original line item amount (unit price x quantity + base price) before any other adjustments/payments is displayed at the top. The line item ID is displayed in parentheses.
Next, any adjustments made to that line item are displayed, with the adjustment ID and date of each adjustment. Most of these are usually negative (discounts, write-offs, etc.), but occasionally you may see a positive adjustment here if it was made to make a correction to a line item total.
Next payments that were applied specifically to this line item are displayed. Remember that this may not reflect the full amount of the payment made, this is just displaying the amount of that payment that was applied to this particular line item. The Payment ID and date are also displayed.
Finally, you'll see any adjustments made to the Payments in that payment section for the line item. If any refunds or adjustments were made to those payments, the "reversal" of those payments will affect the ultimate amount due for the line item.
The total currently outstanding based on those calculations is then displayed as the "Amount Due." This is repeated for each line item on the invoice, and the total balance is then displayed at the bottom for the invoice overall.