By default, the grid includes: Profile Name, Related Org/Main Contact, Membership Level, Email Address, Status, and Profile Id. However, there is a Manage Columns option where you can add new fields, remove existing fields, or change the order. These changes are on a per-user basis, and will only appear for your version of the Profile Selector - other users can configure their own columns.
Adding a Field
- Click on the Manage Columns button.
- Click Add System Field, Add Custom Field, or Add Affiliation Code at the bottom of the window.
System fields: The list of default fields above are all system fields. You may want to add more. Some examples of system fields include Sum of Amount Due or the Last Contact Date.
System Fields were always available to enable when exporting out of the Profile Selector. The bulk of profile information can be found under this field type: contact information for the main contact (first name, last name), contact information for the main profile, and other profile data (membership level, information related to dues, the last login date, and more).
Custom Fields: While there are a lot of available fields in MC Trade, custom fields allow you to create even more, and track anything that you can imagine. Among that list of custom fields, there may be a custom field that you want to see in the grid or in your export of the grid.
Affiliation Codes: While custom fields allow more information to be entered, Affiliation Codes are tags. For example, an affiliation code for event discounts. There may be an affiliation code that you want to see in the grid or in your export of the grid.
- Scroll down to the Select drop down list at the bottom. Click on the list and choose the new field.
When adding an affiliation code, you will have two options: Add Affiliation Type and Add Affiliation Code. The "Add Affiliation Type" option will show one value of the chosen Affiliation Type and the "Add Affiliation Code" option will show a checkbox that is checked if the profile has been assigned that code.
- Click Save at the bottom if you are finished or continue making changes.
Removing a Field
- Click on the Manage Columns button.
- Clicking the X next to the undesired field.
The Profile Name is a system field that cannot be removed.
- Click Save at the bottom if you are finished or continue making changes.
Changing the Order of Fields
- Click on the Manage Columns button.
- Click on the handle next to the field that should be moved and drag the handle up or down.
- Click Save at the bottom if you are finished or continue making changes.
If you performed a search from the Profile Selector and then make a change to the columns, you will need to re-run the search to bring in the updated columns.