Restore a Deleted Profile

While we generally recommend that you do not ever delete profiles, as you could lose important historical data, sometimes you do need to delete a duplicate, a random profile with no data in it, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes this means profiles get deleted that should not have been deleted, and you need to get the data back! Luckily, if an entire profile is deleted inadvertently, you can restore it through your Admin module.

NOTE: you must have access to the "Delete Profile" user permission setting to be able to restore a profile.

To restore a profile that has been deleted:

  1. Go to Admin > Restore Profile (you must administrative rights to see this menu item).
  2. You will see a list of the profiles that have been deleted, sorted with the most recent profile at the top. NOTE that this feature will only contain profiles deleted on or after September 15th 2015, when this feature was introduced - previously deleted profiles cannot be restored. If you need to search for a profile that you want to restore, use any of the following filters to search for the profile (Profile, Address, Phone, Main Contact, Deleted Date)


  3. Once you have found the profile you want to restore, click the blue "Restore Profile" button. After a moment, the button will be replaced wtih the text "Profile Restored."
  4. You can now search for and open the restored profile. All data, including profile relationships, billing records, transactions, listings, event history, etc. has been fully restored.


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