Create/Edit Account Codes

MC Trade uses Account Codes to assign revenue and debt to specific accounts in your bookkeeping system. By aligning the Account Codes in MC Trade with the numbers in your accounting software, you can ensure that data is accurate in both systems.

Because MC Trade can integrate with several different accounting packages, you can automatically import account numbers from those applications that are not already in MC Trade. Click here for instructions on importing from QuickBooks Online, or click here for instructions on using Desktop Connect to integrate with QuickBooks Desktop or Microsoft Dynamics GP. 

Follow these steps to manually create or edit Account Codes:

  1. Go to Admin Manage Codes, then click Revenue Codes, then Account Codes. 
  2. Click Add an Account in the top right corner, or click Actions > Edit on an existing Account.
  3. Enter the Account Number exactly as it appears in your accounting system. Hyphens and periods/colons can be used for these account numbers to reflect the accounts structure in your general ledger. 
  4. Select Accounting Package from the dropdown.
  5. Enter a description of the account. This is what will display on reports, etc. to label the account number. 
  6. Click save.


NOTE: If you are integrated with QB Online, you must import accounts. Manually entered accounts cannot be posted to your accounting software through our integration. 

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