There are two sets of exports that you can run directly from any event, for both Registrations and Attendees. Each export is slightly different in terms of the data layout, fields included, and which registrants/attendees are included.
Registration Exports
Export All Registrations: exports all registrations in the event, with one row for each overall registration (a registration may include multiple items). The CSV file includes:
- First Name, Last Name and Organization Name for the registration
- Profile ID, Registration/Event IDs
- All contact information
- Sign Up Date
- Invoice/payment information
- A column for each event item, marked as true/false to indicate which ones the registration is signed up for
- Count of actual and potential attendee records for the registration
Export All Registrations with Custom Field Data: exports all registrations in the event, with one row for each overall registration. The CSV file includes:
- All of the information listed in the Export above, plus
- A column for each custom field that applies to the Registration level only, with the value for that registration
Export All Registrations with Custom Field Data as Excel Export: exports all sign ups records in the event, with one row for each separate sign up (there is a sign up record for each event item a registration purchases/selects). This XLXS file includes:
- First Name, Last Name and Organization Name for each sign up
- Profile ID, Registration/Sign Up/Event IDs
- All contact information
- Sign Up Date
- Invoice/payment information
- A single column indicating the Event Item selected for each Sign Up
- A column for each custom field that applies to the Registration level. Note that this column header is titled as "Custom Field X" due to some custom field names being extremely long and causing issues exporting the registrations
- NOTE: this export is recommended for events with many event items/custom fields
Export Selected Registrations with Custom Field Data: allows you to choose only certain registrations to export from your search results. You can narrow down the list of registrations using the Advanced Search (if necessary), then click this option and click the > arrow. A list of all registrations in the search results appears, and you can select/deselect which ones you would like to export, then click Execute. This CSV file includes all the same fields listed above in "Export All Registrations with Custom Field Data" but only for the selected registrations.
Attendee Exports
Export Attendees: exports all attendees in the event, with one row for each person (a person may signed up for multiple items). The CSV file includes:
- First Name, Last Name and Organization Name for both the Attendee and the Registration
- Profile ID, Attendee/Registration/Event IDs
- All contact information
- Sign Up Date
- Paid True/False column - note that this applies to the overall invoice the attendee is included on
- A column for each event item, marked as true/false to indicate which ones the attendee is signed up for
Export All Attendees with Custom Field Data: exports all attendees in the event, with one row for each person (a person may signed up for multiple items). The CSV file includes:
- All of the information listed in the Export Attendees above, plus
- A column for each custom field that applies to the Attendee level, with the value for that person
- A column for each custom field that applies to the Registration level, with the value for the attendee's corresponding registration
Export All Attendees with Custom Field Data as Excel Export: exports all individual attendee records in the event, with one row for each separate attendee's sign up (there is an attendee sign up record for each event item a person is signed up for). This XLXS file includes:
- First Name, Last Name and Organization Name for both the Attendee and the Registration
- Profile ID, Attendee/Registration/Event IDs
- All contact information
- Sign Up Date
- Paid True/False column - note that this applies to the overall invoice the attendee is included on
- A single column indicating the Event Item selected for each attendee
- A column for each custom field that applies to the Attendee level. Note that this column header is titled as "Custom Field X" due to some custom field names being extremely long and causing issues exporting the registrations
- NOTE: this export is recommended for events with many event items/custom fields
Export Selected Attendees with Custom Field Data: allows you to choose only certain attendees to export from your search results. You can narrow down the list of attendees using the Advanced Search (if necessary), then select all and/or select the specific attendees you would like to export in the grid. You can scroll through multiple pages and attendees will remain selected. Then click this option in the dropdown and click the > arrow. This CSV file includes all the same fields listed above in "Export All Attendees with Custom Field Data" but only for the selected attendees.
Note that if the exports above do not meet your needs, you can create your own attendee-level exports in the Data Export/Reporting Tool using the Events data view. A separate row will be exported for each individual attendee record (a row for each item each person is signed up for), with the fields and filters that you configure.
Finally, you can search for event attendees and/or sign ups by profile in the Profile Selector "Events" tab (only records with a profile will be returned).