Send New Member Welcome Email

A best practice for any membership association is to send a personalized email to any new member who joins your association. Below are some tips and tricks for making this as effortless as possible in your system.

  1. Begin by setting up an HTML Template that you can use for your new member welcome email. You can copy/paste HTML into the template, or build it from scratch under Admin > Set Preferences > Application Settings, in the HTML Templates tab. Click here for more details on creating templates.
  2. In your HTML Template (or in the email itself that you build from it), add Special Fields to display the new member information. Special Fields include the name and contact information from their profile for them to verify, their dues information, custom field values, and links to different areas of the Member Portal.
  3. NOTE: You can also include the "Portal Login Credentials" special field to allow them to create a password for access to your Member Portal, and member pricing on event registrations. You can use the [[PORTALLOGINLINK]] special field and it will populate the member's email address as their username, and have a unique link for them to set their password for the first time. As soon as they set their password, they will automatically be able to log in as a member, even if you haven't manually given them any credentials yet in their profile, the credentials sent will be for the profile that you are adding to the recipient list.
  4. If you are Organization Member based and wanting to use the [[PORTALLOGINLINK]] special field to send credentials to employees of Member Organizations, you have to build the list a bit differently. Start in the Profile Selector to target Members and run this search first. Then, scroll down to Related Profiles and run a second search to "Replace Results" with primary related profile OR employee relation type. That way, the individual will be sent their login credentials for their unique profile, not the Organization's profile.
  5. To send the actual email, go to Communication > Send Email. Enter a subject, and then select your template. Customize it as desired. 
  6. On the Profiles tab, click Select New List, and choose Create New List in Profile Selector. Here, you can search for a single member by name in the bar at the top, or use any of the available advanced search options to identify the member(s) you want to email. An easy way to grab anyone who joined in the past day:
    1. Click the Member Activity tab, and then Add Search Field. 
    2. Select your "Join" activity, then choose In The Period, and then Last One Day.
    3. If you have multiple Join activity types, add those as well (select "Or" in between each one).
    4. Click Email List. 
  7. If you are Organization Member based and wanting to use the [[PORTALLOGINLINK]] special field to send credentials to employees of Member Organizations, you have to build the list a bit differently. Start in the Profile Selector to target Members and run this search first. Then, scroll down to Related Profiles and run a second search to "Replace Results" with primary related profile OR employee relation type. That way, the individual will be sent their login credentials for their unique profile, not the Organization's profile.
  8. You can now got to the Send tab settings, and send your email, OR:
  9. To completely automate your new member emails, on the Send tab, click Set as Recurring (note that you must have chosen a period date range for your search criteria, as outlined in step 4). Choose Daily, and choose the time you'd like the email to go out. Click here for more details on setting up recurring emails. 
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