To be able to process Credit Cards, you must be integrated with a Credit Card Gateway so that you can securely accept online credit card payments through your website and through MC Trade. The technical setup for completing this integration involves entering credentials from your gateway provider, which varies based on which gateway type you choose.
- (or through PayRoc)
- Bambora
- CardPointe
- PayPal Pro
If you use, Bambora, or CardPointe, you can choose to enable Automatic Recurring Billing (ARB). See the details below for the additional credentials needed for each specific gateway for this to work - once your account is configured to allow for ARB, you can check "Enable ARB" to enable this option throughout your application. Click here to learn more about ARB.
If you have only ONE credit card gateway, you can choose to enable Card on File. The Card on File functionality allows members who log in to your member portal to pay for open invoices or event registrations to use a saved credit card. Because our system does not actually store credit card values, but instead links out to a connected gateway to charge and obtain transaction results, multiple gateways are not supported. To be able to connect the logged-in user with their appropriate gateway account, our application must have only one gateway to look in at this time. If you have multiple gateways, this checkbox will be disabled.
To add or edit any of these gateways or settings, go to Admin > Global Settings and click Integrations. The Credit Card Gateway section will appear, with a grid of any existing gateways you have configured. To edit any existing gateway, click the Actions dropdown and choose edit. To add one, click Add a Gateway.
The "Name" of the gateway is what you'll see in your Payment Types to assign the correct gateway, and can be whatever will identify that gateway for you. You can then select the Gateway Type in the dropdown to see the corresponding credential fields appear.
Enter your API Login and your API Transaction Key provided by If you aren't sure how to find these values, click here. If you use Automatic Recurring Billing with and want to enable that in MC Trade as well, click " ARB Enabled." If you want to include ACH payment options with your recurring billing options, and you have eCheck enabled through your account, check eCheck Enabled as well.
There are three values you need to enter from your Bambora account for basic point-of-sale processing: Username, Password, and Merchant ID. To create/obtain these values, log in to your online Bambora account, check the 'User username/password validation against transaction.' Add a validation username and password under administration -> account settings ->order settings and click the 'Update' button. If you also use Automatic Recurring Billing through Bambora, you'll need to enter your ARB Passcode and Reporting Passcode as well.
Enter your CardPointe Merchant ID, Username and Password to integrate with CardPointe's point of sale processing. NOTE that if you use a CardPointe gateway, you may NOT set up another gateway of a different type (for example, You may have multiple CardPointe gateways, but you can not mix and match the Gateway Types if one of the gateways is CardPointe.
PayPal Pro
If you prefer to use PayPal for your credit card processing, that is acceptable but MUST be done through a PayPal Payments Pro account. You cannot integrate a basic/free PayPal account, and all processing will still be done directly through the MC Trade interface and not through PayPal directly. To integrate with a PayPal gateway, enter your PayPal IP address and Username.
NOTE: once you have set up the connection to your gateway, you will need to assign them to the appropriate Payment Type in your system for them to be used in payment processing. You can set up Payment Types under Admin > Manage Codes > Revenue Codes, in the Payment Types section.