When you're assigning member groups to a package, ensure the Visibility checkbox is selected. If left unchecked, the course will be available to all front-end users free of charge.
There are currently two ways to automatically have users added to permissioned groups from MC Trade to Classroom. This article will explain the setup required within both Classroom and MC Trade.
Setting up Groups
If you would like to permission specific content only to a certain set of users, the first thing you will want to do is set up a group within Classroom and give that group permission to access the appropriate package(s). First, you will add the group(s) in Classroom by navigating to Groups > Group Management and creating the appropriate group(s).
Enter a Group Description if desired, ensure the "visibility" check box is selected, and click Save. When "Visibility" is selected, and the Group is assigned to a package, only users in that group will be able to access the content of the package.
Important note: Whatever you name the group within Classroom, you will need to name your event or affiliation code within MC Trade the exact same way. If the group name and event name/affiliation code do not match exactly (capitalization, punctuation, etc.), the integration will not work correctly and users will not be added to the Classroom group:
Adding users to groups through event registration
Once you have an event set up within MC Trade and a group by the same name set up within Classroom, once users register for that event and their registrations are connected to their profile (for members and non-members), the API integration will automatically add registered users to the group within Classroom, giving them access to any packages for which that group has access. Using events for group permissioning has a few good use cases, but works especially well for date-based courses (such as live webinars, etc.)
Adding users to groups through affiliation codes
Once you have a group set up within Classroom that matches the name of an affiliation code within MC Trade and have assigned that affiliation code to the appropriate users within MC Trade, the next time that user logs into Classroom, they will automatically be added to the appropriate group and gain access to any packages for which that group is permissioned.