Glossary of Common MC Trade Terms

Accounting Package – The financial management system software you have set up to be integrated in MC Trade. Several system codes, such as Revenue Items and Payment Types, allow you to designate an accounting package for their use.

Adjustment Type – A code in the system that lets you select a designation for an adjustment you are making to an invoice or a payment. Examples may include: Refund, Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel, etc. Adjustment Types can be edited and created in the Admin section.

Affiliation Code – An attribute indicating that a profile belongs to a group, list, demographic or other tracking segment. Profiles can have multiple Affiliation Codes.

Affiliation Type – A code that can be created in the Admin section that allows you to place your Affiliation Codes into groups. For example, an Affiliation Code Type of Property Amenities would be used to create all Affiliation Codes that relate to property amenities.

Banner Ad – A rotating piece of content on your website that provides value to advertisers on any page throughout your website.

Billing Record – A data entry that is used as a template to generate recurring invoices for a profile, indicating when the profile should be billed, how much, how often and for what item.

Business Connect – An online leads generator for your members that connects people visiting your website with the services they need. Members and non-members can find products and services they want and have companies compete for their business.

Business Directory – An online listing of your association’s members.

Codes – The configurable options that Admin users can set up and control to populate dropdown menus throughout MC Trade to standardize values and ensure accuracy in reporting.

Committee – A feature that allows the user to track all relevant information for a committee, including committee description and status, list of both active and inactive members, and committee meetings and attendance. This feature is also connected to Affiliation Codes.

Contact – A record indicating that a communication has been made with a member or prospect, through phone, email or in-person meeting. Several items can be recorded about each contact including: the person contacted, who contacted them, the type of contact, description/details and date.

Contact Type – A choice when creating a contact record to indicate the type of contact that was made. For example: Phone, email, in-person meeting, etc. Additional contact types can be created in the Admin section.

Content Record – An image, document, report or HTML code that is uploaded to your MC Trade server and assigned a URL to be used for online display.

Coupon – A way for members to create a special offer that appears on their listing in the business directory. Admin users of MC Trade can create Coupon Types that are available for viewing in either your public-facing online business directory or the Members Only portal of your website. Members create their coupons by logging in to your Members Only portal.

Custom Fields – Non-standard fields that any Admin user can create to record profile data that does not already have another optimal location in the profile

Data Export/Reporting Tool – A feature that allows users to create a query to export data from their system.

Detail Listing Type/Level – The preset configured setting that indicates how a particular listing should display online in any specific detail/profile pages on your online directory

Home Screen – One of six different pre-configured dashboard screens that display a list of Quick Links to commonly used functions for that section as well as information such as recently viewed profiles or upcoming events.

Individual – The profile record of a person, with a first and last name recorded separately.

Listing – A record indicating the business category, listing levels, description, and other information to be displayed in the online business directory 

Listing Type/Level – The preset configured setting that indicates how a particular listing should display online in any “results” pages on your online directory

Main Contact/Profile – A Related Profile that is set to be the primary contact person for an organization profile. Each Profile should have only one Main Contact.

Mass Communicator – MC Trade’s internal tool for sending emails to one or more profiles in your database.

Member – Any profile with the Member checkbox checked on the General tab is considered a member for all standard searching and reporting purposes.

Member Activity – A record indicating the date on which a profile goes through a change with regards to membership status in some way, including when the profile joins and/or drops membership.

News Article – A website entry that feeds dynamically into your online news article feed and is searchable by site visitors.

Organization – The profile record of a company, non-profit entity or other group that has a single organization name.

Payment Type – A code in the system that lets you select a designation for a payment you are recording in MC Trade. Sample Payment Types include Cash, Check and Credit Card. Payment Types can be edited and created in the Admin section.

Profile – The record of any individual or organization in the database, including both members and nonmembers and their related employees. All information relating to an individual or organization is stored in its profile.

Profile Status – An indicator of the reason the profile is in the database and its standing, the value of which is determined by each association in the Admin section.

Project – A Project is a group of Tasks that, when completed, achieve a single objective with reporting on progress of Tasks within the Project

Prospect – Any profile with the Prospect checkbox checked on the General tab is considered a Prospect for all standard searching and reporting purposes.

Quick Actions/Quick Search – The collapsible area(s) on the far left side of MC Trade that contain the option to look up a profile, event, invoice, etc., and then easily access commonly used functions for that data.

Receives Communication – A flag on a Related Profile that indicates that the profile is on a mailing list to receive communication on behalf of the profile they are related to. This is often used to create general member mailing lists, and it does not affect a profile’s communication method preference or keep them from receiving emails if not checked.

Referral – An instance of your association promoting your members’ business/success in a measurable quantitative way, through both online displays of member information and internal recommendations through phone, brochures, association business, etc.

Related Profile – A profile that is linked to another profile by a Relation Type, including employees, additional offices, owned/managed properties, etc.

Relation Title – A text field giving the option to indicate the profile’s title with respect to the organization/profile they are related to. This may be left blank.

Relation Type – The setting that indicates how two profiles are related to each other. For example Employee/Employer, Property Owner/Owned Property, etc.

Report – A way to view information contained in the database. Reports are segmented by topic such as member reports, event reports and revenue reports.

Revenue Item – An item or service you may sell or create an invoice for. For example, Membership Dues or Event Registration may be Revenue Items. You can edit and create Revenue Items in the Admin section. Revenue items also have several configurations that help you manage your organization’s receivables such as Debit & Credit Accounts, flags for Taxable, Dues or Sponsorship Items and more.

Sales Opportunity – A way to record the potential to sell an item or service to a profile in your database. Sales opportunities can be assigned to system users and include Revenue Items, amounts, estimated close date and more.

Survey – A feature allowing you to create questions to pose to your members, which you can then collect and report on analytically. Surveys can be displayed in Members Only or sent via email.

Tab – A method of navigation in MC Trade to keep sections of the software separate. For example, the Profile Browser contains different Tabs for different types of information such as Transactions, Billings, Addresses and more. Tabs are used throughout the software to group data together on screens with many different fields.

Task – A to-do item created for a user to complete, including tracking of notes, how long an item takes to complete, progress, status, and the profile that the task pertains to.

User Roles – User roles are assigned to each system user to define the sections and functions of the software the users have access to. Each User Role can be configured to allow full, read only or no access to certain areas of the software. When creating new users, an Admin will assign a role to them.

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