MC Trade Component Page Subdomain Setup (Go-Daddy and Network Solutions)

What is a subdomain?

A subdomain is basically a 'child' domain under a larger 'parent' domain. The subdomain is designated by the prefix of the domain address.  For instance, if my domain is:

I can create the subdomain 'web', and the subdomain's address would be:

Why should I setup a subdomain?

Subdomains are important as they allow you to point traffic requesting the subdomain to a separate server for content (in this case MC Trade Component Pages), while maintaining the content value under your overall domain.  From an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) perspective this is important.

Does my subdomain have to be 'web'? 

No, it can be anything you like, but it does have to be unique to the MC Trade pages that it will be used for. You will not be able to use the same subdomain for other, non-MC Trade services.


How do I setup a subdomain on GoDaddy?

  1. Go to the DNS Management page.
  2. On the DNS Management page, at the bottom of the Records list, click Add and select CNAME from the Type drop-down menu.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Host - Enter web
    • Points to - Enter the host name provided by your onboarding specialist or help agent
  4. Select 600 for how long the server should cache the information from the second menu. This is called TTL (Time to Live).
  5. Click Save.
  6. The new sub-domain displays in the CNAME (Alias) section.

How do I setup a subdomain on Network Solutions?

  1. Log in to your Network Solutions account
  2. Click Manage Account
  3. Click Edit DNS under My Domain Names
  4. Click Edit Advanced DNS Records next to the domain you want to use
  5. Click Edit CNAME Records in the Host Aliases (CNAME Records) section (you might have to scroll down)
    • Add a new CNAME record
    • Choose "Other Host" from the "Refers to" drop down
    • Enter your desired subdomain in the next text box.  This is often "web" or "members"
    • Alias To- Enter the address that was provided to you by your MemberClicks implementation manager or Help agent, it should include as part of the address
  6. Click Continue
  7. Click Save Changes

How do I setup a subdomain for MC Trade on a different DNS host?

The exact setup can look different when you are using a different DNS provider, so we recommend working with your IT provider or directly with your DNS hosting support team to make sure the record is created correctly. In all cases, however, the following are true: 

  1. It must be a CNAME record
  2. The 'alias' is the subdomain you are creating, such as 'web'
  3. The CNAME will be 'pointed to' the host name provided to you by your implementation manager or help agent. 



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