Generate Tasks from Project Type Template

Before you can generate template tasks, you'll need to configure your template. Templates are referred to as "Project Types" and currently can only be configured initially in the desktop. Before following the instructions below, follow these steps to create your template tasks.

Once your template tasks are created, you can create the tasks on a profile, or unlinked from any specific profile. To generate tasks for a profile: 

  1. Search for and view the profile to which you want to add the tasks.
  2. Scroll down to the Tasks section on the bottom right of the Profile View. Click Generate Template Tasks.
  3. Select the Project Type containing the template tasks you want to generate.
  4. Set a Start Date for the project. Remember that the due date on all of your template tasks will be calculated based off of this start date. 
  5. Click Generate Tasks.

The tasks will be created and assigned to the profile, users, and fields based on the temmplate information. 

To generate tasks independently of any profile, go to Profiles > Tasks, and click Generate Template Tasks. You can select the Project Type and Start Date here as well, and the tasks will be generated with all the same fields but NOT linked to a profile. 

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